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The Identicom device used by Mark will be linked to Connexion2’s recently updated Mobile Workforce Management Platform
The 9 Series Identicom will be deployed in order to give Mark the option to raise an alarm if required

Lone worker specialist, Connexion2, has announced it is supplying ultra-marathon runner, Mark Allison aka “Run Geordie Run”, with a 3G enabled 9 Series Identicom as he attempts to run 2,600 miles across Australia in 70 days. The company, also a corporate sponsor of Run Geordie Run, manufactures the Identicom lone worker device and will be supplying one to assist both Mark’s personal safety and communication whilst undertaking his challenge.

The technologically advanced 9 Series Identicom is the first 3G dedicated lone worker device of its kind to be released to the market and is a key part of Connexion2’s ability to provide global lone worker solutions since its acquisition by Kings III of America in May 2013.

3G connectivity gives peace of mind to users operating in certain geographic areas where traditional GSM networks are limited in coverage. This is key when being used in a continent like Australia where GSM coverage is typically good in coastal areas and around major cities, but sporadic or unconnected elsewhere. Given Mark’s route across the country, the 9 Series Identicom will be deployed in order to give him the option to raise an alarm if required, but also to allow his progress to be mapped via GPS location updates and subsequently shared to his followers.

The technologically advanced
9 Series Identicom is the
first 3G dedicated lone worker
device of its kind

The Identicom device used by Mark will be linked to Connexion2’s recently updated Mobile Workforce Management Platform (MWMP) – a secure platform that uses location data through GPS to be accessed visually, giving a number of potential benefits to a lone worker manager. The platform lets a manager - 

  • View a snapshot of their team of lone workers to understand who is currently lone working
  • Create automatic reporting based around a worker checking in and out, over-speeding or when navigating between specified locations or geofenced areas
  • Review images uploaded to the platform and tagged as a ‘Risk Item’ as part of its sharing within the lone worker community
  • Receive Business insights, worker messaging, live map alerts, lone worker device status info and Street View functionality

Mark, a 42-year old from Newcastle upon Tyne, is undertaking the challenge to raise £50,000 for The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation and The Children’s Foundation.  He will begin the run in Perth (WA) on the 16th October and plans to finish in Sydney (NSW) on 24th December 2013. It will be his third challenge. In 2007 he ran from John O’Groats to Lands End, some 874 miles, raising £34,108 for St Benedict’s Hospice, which cared for his mother. Then in August 2011, Mark completed a 3,100-mile run from California to New York raising £105,000 for good causes. During his American challenge, Mark ran an average 31 miles a day and lost 5 stone (31kg) on the way. To complete his new challenge he will have to run an average 41 miles a day during the Australian summer through very difficult terrain including the infamously arid Nullarbor Plain - which is considered one of the most hostile environments on Earth.

The 9 Series Identicom retains
its ID badge product form
and enables lone workers to
assist in their dynamic risk

The 9 Series Identicom retains its ID badge product form and enables lone workers to assist in their dynamic risk assessment and discreetly raise an alarm through the ‘Red Alert’ if they feel their safety is compromised. It carries ACPO ‘Secured by Design’ accreditation and can be a integrated within a credible, BS8484 approved, lone worker solution. The 9 Series Identicom offers a superb range of functionality and great versatility. The devices are also one or two-way audio configurable, allowing the Alarm Receiving Centre monitoring the alert, to communicate directly to the user. When combined with the updated GPS technology available in the devices, the Alarm Receiving Centre can enable a quicker, more informed and location specific response.

The device range also features automatic ‘Man Down’ detection as standard – thus giving employees working remotely or in difficult environments the additional protection should a slip, fall or unknown health issue occur. During the challenge Connexion2’s Australian partner, GSS Combined Alarm Services, which markets Identicom through its SafeTCard Solutions brand, will monitor the Identicom units from its Monitoring Station located in Brisbane (QLD).

Craig Swallow, Managing Director of Connexion2 commented: “We are delighted to be supporting Mark in such a worthwhile and extraordinary challenge. We wish him and his team all the very best and will be keenly watching his progress across Australia.”

Mark Allison, Run Geordie Run commented: “I’m grateful to all the corporate sponsors supporting the Run Geordie Run Australia challenge this year – I couldn’t do it without them. Using Identicom will definitely give me peace of mind as I undertake such a huge journey.”

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