Video IQ’s video analytics solution has been in use at schools, chemical sites, water facilities and border crossings
VideoIQ's surveillance system acts as a digital guard and provides instant alerts and security protection

The challenge

Apart from arson creating a constant source of concern, one of the biggest problems in Malmö was vandals breaking windows and glass panes. At one point over 600 glass panes were smashed at one school which cost 1.2 million SEK. Some students contributed to the chaotic atmosphere at the schools by regularly pulling fire alarms, causing everyone in the school to immediately evacuate while the fire department surveyed the scene, only to determine there wasn’t a threat. With each incident, feelings of anxiety and worries grew as learning time in the classroom was negatively impacted.

Without a security system or other mechanism, the school had to move forward and find a way to protect the staff and students and identify the culprits. To meet that need, Malmö municipality contacted a number of different integrators to discuss the purchase and installation of a state-of-the-art surveillance system. Responsible persons, working for the city of Malmö believed that the amount of money being spent to repair property damage caused by arson and vandalism could be far better spent on things like new computers and technology for the students, or on field trips. They sought something that would help prevent crime while allowing them to save considerable money.

The solution

"VideoIQ's self-learning technology is a great asset because the system recognises viable threats immediately and accurately"

The right solution for the schools came in the form of video surveillance cameras mounted at strategic, highly trafficked places across five schools. It was critical, however, that the solution didn’t just consist of “dumb” cameras that passively record events while acts of crime go undetected. Said Johan Eklund, “While recording events could help provide forensic evidence after an incident had taken place, Malmo wanted to be proactive and address potential security issues before they happened. We looked for an intelligent analytics system that would serve as the ‘front line’ for the schools since they did not have any security guards on-site.”

After testing and comparing different analytics, Malmö city along with the chosen integrator decided to use VideoIQ’s HD Intelligent Video Analytics Engine along with other VCA products. It acts as a digital guard, providing instant alerts and security protection across nearly any environment or condition, including bad weather and at night. The technology is in use at thousands of customer sites around the world and is recognised for its ability to transform passive video surveillance into a dynamic, real-time and proactive system for early warning and security protection.

CCTV-Systems AB is the Scandinavian distributor for VideoIQ. Daniel Venhammar at CCTV-Systems said, “The VideoIQ HD system continuously watches for security threats across all of the cameras at all of the schools. When an intruder comes onto the property, the system instantly alerts the staff at Malmö City PSAP which then can contact police, firefighters or other emergency responders.

“The combination of VideoIQ’s next-generation analytics and remote guards is the ideal approach to minimise costs while maximising security protection,” said Scott Schnell, president and CEO of VideoIQ. “Our technology works properly and reliably in any weather, is simple to install and has been in use for years at schools, chemical sites, water facilities, border crossings, and many other companies that want to keep their most prized assets safe.”

The city of Malmö also chose VideoIQ for its self-learning capabilities which enable it to learn and get smarter with each incident detected. The analytics watches and learns its environment, as well as movement patterns of motion, so that it immediately can distinguish between a person, automobile, cat, tree, or any other object. Additionally, the system responds to rules established by the user, enabling a high level of customization and specificity to minimise false alarms and improve accuracy.

“VideoIQ’s self-learning technology is a great asset because the system recognises viable threats immediately and accurately, which reduces the number of false alarms generated. This allows security personnel to respond only when needed, saving the city of Malmö much time, energy and money,” said Venhammar.

The self-learning capabilities were not the only user-friendly feature that VideoIQ offers. VideoIQ is the only video analytics technology without required calibration at installation and when there are changes to the seasons. The integrator found the system to be extremely easy and fast to install, without any lengthy testing or set-up time required. VideoIQ’s plug-and-play approach saves the integrator considerable effort, while ensuring very reliable protection, says Venhammar.

Another reason to choose VideoIQ’s Analytics is that their Encoder can work with any type of stationary analog PTZ or other video camera — whether color, black and white, thermal or ones that use infrared illumination. The ability to support a heterogeneous camera environment was essential since the cameras used by the Malmö schools come from a variety of camera manufacturers and vendors.

The Result

After just one year of having the security system in place, the municipality of Malmö reduced costs by an astounding 90 percent and the city saved 3 million SEK on a reduction in smashed panes and broken glass alone. Venhammar said, “Malmö’s expenses were improved within a very short space of time. They now have more money which can be used to make other needed improvements at the schools. The security system is seen as an investment and one that will help reduce crime for years to come.”

Additionally, the number of false alarms has been reduced dramatically and both school personnel and students feel safer. Several teachers have reported an improved school environment and the children find it easier to concentrate on their studies.

“CCTV-Systems goal is to offer effective solutions that improve security while increasing profitability. VideoIQ’s intelligent security products are an important part of this equation and we are proud to provide the city of Malmö with a reliable, effective and easy-to-manage security system,” said Venhammar.

The system currently consist of more than 300 cameras spread over 20 schools in the city of Malmö and is one of Europe’s biggest VideoIQ systems.
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