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G4S security guards on patrol
At the NSA show, G4S highlighted its mission to provide a range of private security solutions
This year at the National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) exhibition, G4S, a leading supplier of comprehensive security solutions, displayed a specially fortified 15-passenger transportation van. G4S is helping out under a contract with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to transport removable aliens using these fortified vans. By driving aliens in custody to processing centres, or any other number of locations such as court appearances, hospitals, or prisons, G4S officers and these vans help ICE free up time and resources that can be put to better use, for example in tracking and apprehension.

"We are proud of the contribution G4S is making to help ICE prioritise their efforts on convicted criminal aliens in cities and counties across the United States," said Kevin Johnson, G4S Vice President of Government Services. "G4S provides transportation and other support services that can help any law enforcement agency be more effective, even in these times of limited resources, while ensuring that security is never compromised."

At the NSA Show in Anaheim, G4S used their large booth presence to emphasise the G4S mission to provide a range of private security solutions. It is the company's objective to supplement Sheriff's and law enforcement agencies around the country by performing non-sworn duties and to help agencies face the need to stretch budget dollars.

G4S can help law enforcement agencies boost their effectiveness by identifying security-related duties

On-site at the NSA show, G4S also featured one of the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) fortified buses that help address immigration issues at the U.S. - Mexican border under a contract with CBP. G4S's fortified buses logged 19 million miles and transported nearly one million aliens in custody for the CBP last year, while freeing up countless CBP personnel. In addition, the G4S booth at NSA featured two new T3 Motion three-wheeled electric human transport vehicles. There were giveaways at the G4S booth as well; a big-screen TV and other items.

G4S (incorporating Wackenhut) provides critical support services for Sheriffs and law enforcement agencies around the country, while also providing an important source of jobs for former and retired law enforcement personnel. G4S can help law enforcement agencies boost their effectiveness by identifying security-related duties currently being performed by sworn law enforcement personnel and by delivering a law-enforcement calibre programme that provides significant cost savings to the agency and the taxpayers.

For more information visit the G4S website or call +1 800 275 8305

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