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BSIA reveals that further increase in overseas trade is expected for 2013
BSIA reports Western Europe as the most active export market

Last week marked Export Week in the UK, and security exporters from the British Security Industry Association’s Export Council have revealed how they have fought back against the impact of the recession by expanding into new markets, a trend that’s set to continue in 2013, according to the results of a recent survey.

Aimed at gauging its members’ experiences of exporting in 2012, and assessing their expectations for 2013, the BSIA’s research revealed that for over 85% of Export Council members, exporting has become more important during the recession. More than two thirds of respondents reported that the level of overseas business conducted has increased in the past twelve months, with Western Europe by far the most active export market.

Further increases in overseas trade are expected for 2013, with 100% of survey respondents expecting their company’s export business to increase in the next twelve months.

“The main factor that attracts overseas customers to UK security suppliers is their innovation and investment in new technology.” Comments John Davies, Chairman of the BSIA’s Export Council. “Experience, quality of service and the ability to demonstrate a proven track record are also important factors which influence buyers’ purchasing decisions and position UK suppliers in a favourable light.”

Looking ahead to the next year, Western Europe remains the single most important target market for UK security suppliers, with 77% of Export Council members hoping to increase their business in this region over the coming twelve months.

“Healthcare, local and national government, retail and transport are all significant vertical markets targeted by BSIA Export Council members,” adds John Davies. “Overseas trade shows such as Security Essen, MIPS Russia and Intersec Dubai are essential in helping Export Council members forge links with overseas companies, and BSIA members’ attendance of such events shows no sign of slowing down as we enter 2013.”

The Association's Export Council provides a dedicated forum for BSIA member companies who are focused on extending their local business to overseas markets, facilitating the sharing of useful information, hints and tips and best practice. The Association also organises UK Pavilions at several overseas trade events, thus playing a vital role in forging productive trade links between UK security companies and overseas buyers from around the world.

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