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 BSIA British Security Industry Association
"CCTV is certainly vital to the protection of our society and the industry is dedicated to ensuring it is used responsibly."
The CCTV industry is committed to safeguarding the privacy of individuals is the message from the British Security Industry Association in the wake of a House of Lords report into surveillance and data collection.

The report makes a number of recommendations about surveillance and data collection in the UK including an independent appraisal of research into the effectiveness of CCTV and a statutory regime for the use of CCTV by both public and private sectors. It also calls for more powers for the Information Commissioner.

Pauline Norstrom, BSIA CCTV Section Chairman, comments: "The CCTV industry is - and has long been - committed to safeguarding the privacy of those monitored by the technology. It is important to note, despite the context of this report, that CCTV does not involve the collection of personal data about an individual. Nonetheless, privacy is protected by standards including the Data Protection and Human Rights Acts, regulation of CCTV public space surveillance operators, and industry-imposed standards."

"Through our involvement in the National CCTV Strategy, the industry is already involved in implementing many of the recommendations of this report including codes of practice that are binding upon CCTV schemes. We would favour further research into the effectiveness of CCTV and welcome the expansion of the Information Commissioner's powers to ensure that systems are being operated to the high standards that the industry supports."

"Research has shown that in areas where CCTV has been installed there is public support for the technology, reducing fear of crime amongst communities. CCTV also acts as an important tool for the Police and has contributed to the detection of crime in a number of high profile cases from the murder of Jamie Bulger, to the London bombings and the Tonbridge robbery. CCTV is certainly vital to the protection of our society and the industry is dedicated to ensuring it is used responsibly."

For further details on the report, click here.

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