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Although PureTech Systems is known for development of video analytic software, it also is a leader in advanced camera control and integration of 3rd party security sensors. This was highlighted recently by its announcement that it has integrated its PureActiv surveillance solution with LRAD Corporation's Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD).

LRAD is a directional communication system utilised by critical facilities as part of their perimeter protection portfolio. The device broadcasts powerful, directional alarm tones and voice messages that can be used to warn or deter an intruder. The announced integration allows the LRAD-RX to be controlled by PureTech Systems' geospatial command and control. This includes use of advanced control algorithms, to allow the LRAD-RX to be operated remotely from the video interface (via its co-sighted CCTV camera) or by clicking directly on the map-based user GUI. The interface includes control of both the pan and tilt functions and keeps the LRAD-RX's directional broadcasts focused on the intruder.   

"We have been integrating PTZ cameras into our geospatial command and control for several years now," notes Eric Olson, Vice President of Marketing at PureTech Systems. "This was a great opportunity to show how this same technology can be leveraged to other security devices to help aid first responders and security personnel to effectively manage potential threats."

The integrated system is currently being installed at a critical water facility in Texas, which in addition to the LRAD-RX, will feature the PureActiv's geospatial command and control, video analytics for detection and PTZ Auto Follow for various PTZ cameras included in the installation.

"We continue to seek new ways to meet the needs of our customers," explains Scott Stuckey, Vice President of Business Development at the LRAD Corporation. "We welcomed the opportunity to integrate our LRAD-RX with PureTech Systems' geospatial video management system. This combined offering provides an enhanced capability for the security community." 

The integration took place at PureTech Systems' headquarters in Phoenix, AZ and includes the ability to issue deterrent tones, pre-recorded messages or live commands directly from the PureActiv GUI. In addition to LRAD control, the system can include the co-mounted LRAD CCTV camera for detection and forensic purposes using PureTech Systems array of video analytic algorithms. It is currently available for new or existing installations and can be installed as a server based solution or via an edge device. 

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