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The basic arguments in favor of selection of Axis network cameras were high functionality meeting the project requirements
Axis cameras allowed for building a complex geographically-distributed video surveillance system


The Administration of Poltavsky GOK was assigned the task of strengthening enterprise operations control. In order to prevent fraud as well as to follow the safety rules and increase in labour discipline, a decision for the installation of a modern video surveillance system was taken.


In the beginning of the project, the customer tested several Axis cameras in normal job mode. Such testing brought to light the applicability and border conditions of practical application of particular devices as well as provided the basis for enterprise safety concept development. The next step was development of a system working project which took into account all technological and business processes within the combine of complementary industrial plants. For each work station and for each area requiring special control, not only camera placement locations but also functionality was calculated.

The basic arguments in favour of selection of Axis network cameras were high functionality meeting the project requirements; ease of installation of network cameras and perfect quality of the products. Axis equipment allowed for building a complex geographically-distributed video surveillance system with minimum labour effort. The wide range of technical solutions, ease of installation and simplicity of operation of cameras became the determinant for the customer.


The implemented system solved the assigned tasks completely. Due to the carefully specified project, the entire enterprise territory is now under control, at that the IP system customisation allows for correction of installations depending on relevant objectives. As a consequence, each production process is under continual overview.

Production supervision and safety

JSC Poltavsky GOK is the largest manufacturer and exporter of iron-ore pellets used in iron industry and steel making industry in Ukraine. The combine of complementary industrial plants is located in Komsomolsk, Poltava Region. The combine works in a complete production cycle mode: from extraction of raw ore to production of iron-ore pellets – processed raw material for metallurgical plants.

The manufacturing complex consists of a crushing and ore-dressing plants as well as an iron-ore pellet workshop. The raw materials base of the combine – 2 deposits located in the Krementshug magnetic anomaly: Gorishne-Plavninskoye and Lavrikovskoye developed by the single open pit of the Dnieper Mining Plant which is currently the largest in Europe.

The wide range of Axis technical solutions, ease of installation and simplicity of operation of cameras became the determinant for the customer
Axis network cameras feature high functionality and ease of installation

Operating troubles and violations of labour discipline and safety rules, petty stealing and grand larceny – these are problems accompanying the activity of any large manufacturing outfit. The notorious human factor is capable of inflicting multimillion losses on business without mentioning a potential danger to life and health of people working at the enterprise. Therefore, in daily proceedings, effective control allows for detection of problems and incidents but also provides deterrence for repetition. The optimal framework for such control is a CCTV and technological system giving the possibility to control the following:

  • Unauthorised entry and access
  • Breakdown in the technological process
  • Violation of labour discipline and safety rules
  • Abusive action of personnel and other persons

Apart from a real-time video surveillance system, qualitative image recording from cameras is a very important factor, not only for security staff but also for engineering services. A qualitative image is an important support device during “blamestorming” related to any incident.

Why Axis?

The up-to-date requirements for video surveillance systems are very much different from earlier ones. Currently, no one is content with a low quality non-informative image. The customer requires qualitative video material capable of serving both as an important information source and incontestable evidence, whenever necessary. “While selecting equipment for a video surveillance system, we took a close look at product lines of all leading manufacturers, and we were attracted to Axis network cameras by the following features: a wide product range meeting the most exacting requirements, good value for money, high functionality, and contemporary design,” says Leading Engineer of Poltavsky GOK Vladimir Dmitrov.

So, what does an Axis system give to the customers?

  • High quality of equipment increases failure tolerance and consequently reduces time and cash expenditures for service maintenance
  • Use of IP technology while transmitting video data from the camera ensures not only more flexible image management but also significant network load reduction, minimising delay probabilities
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