Concept Smoke Screen has been providing security smoke for over 35 years and continues to supply all aspects of industry with one of the most effective loss prevention solutions available coupled with a superior level of structured customer service.
Put simply, security smoke is the swift introduction of a dense fog into an area to protect property and people and stop theft.
The smoke itself is completely safe to breathe and leaves no residue after activation. In the event of a break-in however it is initially arresting, then disorienting and ultimately stonewalling. The criminals are stopped in their tracks and at the same time offered an escape route, this is important because the intention is not to trap the thieves therefore inducing panic and creating a potentially violent situation. This is in line with current European legislation.
On activation the security smoke will fill a room literally within seconds, shrouding goods from view. Can't see it? Can't steal it!
Security Smoke can work independently of and in harmony with existing security installations |
Security Smoke can work both independently of and in harmony with your existing security installation - a simple alarm and smoke system can be equally as effective as a full security package. After all, the majority of our successes come after the conventional methods have been circumvented, for instance, masked criminals ram-raid a shop entrance intent on stealing all the valuables before a response to the alarm arrives - physical security, CCTV and alarms all rendered less effective.
It is our experience that a Smoke Screen is also often employed as a last ditch effort and as a reactive measure to prevent further loss in situations where break-ins have already occurred. We continue to push the message and make more and more people aware about the potency of our product as an effective loss prevention tool.
"The move to edge-of-town sites caused us problems. Break-ins increased dramatically and nothing we did had a significant effect. We tried Smoke Screen in a number of priority stores - those suffering break-ins. The effect was dramatic. We now have Smoke Screen in over 200 stores and we have seen burglary losses drop by over 70%. Would I recommend Smoke Screen? Absolutely - it works!"
Over the last year alone we have been involved in a multitude of highly successful installation programmes, including a large security estate migration for a major high street name and the development of a pioneering new application for a luxury jewellery brand. The success of the installations is unprecedented in terms of defending the window displays of the store. In one of the nine raids that were defended with Smoke Screen, the perpetrators were so desperate to make an escape that they left the sledgehammer they had been using embedded in the window.
"After installing Smoke Screen in our branches we have had attempted raids and witnessed dramatic results. Concept Smoke Screen have revolutionised our approach to daytime raids and the results have been phenomenal."
Have a look at the Very Short Heist Movie to see Smoke Screen in action - the video portrays how we stay ahead of the bad guys better than any amount of words can. And in the current climate of financial instability we need to stay ahead.
We are now working on building a video micro-site where we will be showcasing our latest, professional promotional shorts and activation footage. Visit our website for regular updates.