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ASIS International is an organization dedicated to increasing the effectiveness and productivity of security professionals 
The Leadership in Security award was given to Maine Senator Susan M. Collins

The CSO Roundtable of ASIS International recently awarded its first Leadership in Security Award to Sen. Susan M. Collins, who has demonstrated exceptional leadership in reaching across the aisle to draft and pass several critical pieces of U.S. homeland security legislation.

The Maine Republican, who currently serves as ranking member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, boasts an impressive record of accomplishments in strengthening America against terrorism and natural disasters.

After Hurricane Katrina and the Homeland Security and Governmental Affair Committee's investigation into the government's failed response to that disaster, Collins co-authored the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act, which strengthened FEMA within the Department of Homeland Security. Among other major reforms, the new law reunited FEMA's preparedness and response capabilities to meet the challenges of all aspects of emergency management.

The Leadership in Security Award goes to someone who has demonstrated outstanding leadership toward the enhancement of security

Among the bipartisan pieces of legislation she has written or co-authored are: the SAFE Port Act, which significantly strengthens port security; the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Act, which directs the Department of Homeland Security to require vulnerability assessments, establish security standards, and require plans and drills at high-risk chemical facilities; and the 2004 intelligence reform legislation, which represents the most sweeping changes to the U.S. intelligence community in more than 50 years and implements many of the recommendations of the 9-11 Commission with a focus on improving intelligence systems to help prevent terrorist attacks.

The Leadership in Security Award, introduced this year, goes to a security professional, public official, business executive or other deserving recipient who has demonstrated outstanding leadership toward the enhancement of security. The award to Collins was presented during today's CSO Roundtable reception with lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

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