The new infographic from the leading supplier of intelligent asset management solutions and includes latest statistics highlighting schools as the number one target for mobile device theft.
Traka also cites latest research into laptop theft alongside the consequences for schools including regulatory fines, increased insurance premiums and £500,000 penalties.
The infographic investigates asset management where sources suggest 65% of staff have not been given training on how to protect their mobile ICT devices.
Says Robert Smith, MD, of Traka: “The majority of schools now have a smart phone or tablet devices as part of their learning experience, with a very positive impact on learning, and encouraging changes in pedagogy. But the availability of new inspirational tools has led to a number of significant security issues, with the crime statistics rising from 2011 – 2013 and only likely to increase further if action is not taken.
“We have put together this eye catching infographic so that those responsible for school security can instantly see the statistics and consequences, alongside the solutions available for intelligent mobile, laptop and iPad management in education that are easy to use for staff and pupils alike. Now our infographic is live, we’d love others to download it and spread the key messages.”
Traka is the worldwide specialist in intelligent management solutions for demanding customer environments and has won three Queen’s Awards for Enterprise.