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Federal grants through these and other DHS programs provide the means to enhance preparedness and response to acts of terrorism and other catastrophic events 
SIA sent a letter to the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee opposing the cuts
The Security Industry Association (SIA) strongly opposes proposed House of Representatives reductions in the fiscal year 2012 budget that would severely impact Department of Homeland Security grant programs such as Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) and the State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP).

Federal grants through these and other DHS programs provide the means to enhance preparedness and response to acts of terrorism and other catastrophic events. These capabilities are squarely in the federal interest and justify continued federal investments. The strong federal-state-local partnerships formed over the past decade will be threatened if the Senate agrees to the House-recommended levels of funding for DHS grants.

SIA joined with state and local government officials and organisations to send a letter to leaders of the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee opposing the drastic cuts proposed by the House. Additional coalition members include the U.S. Conference of Mayors, National Association of Counties, National Association of State Chief Information Officers, American Association of Port Authorities and the American Public Transportation Association.

"The proposed cuts in FY 2012 appropriations legislation approved by the House would hamper the progress already made by prior federal homeland security expenditures and would jeopardise the ability of state and local governments to sustain existing programs," the coalition letter states. "As a nation, we must avoid becoming complacent in the absence of major attacks since 9/11. During this 10th anniversary year, we encourage the Senate to preserve investments in prevention, preparedness, and response through DHS state and local programs."

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