SSEDIC’s SIIIC is being hosted in cooperation with EEMA and other major eID initiatives and partners |
Scoping the Single European Digital Identity Community (SSEDIC), a thematic network for the EC’s Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE), recently announces the agenda for its Second International Identity Initiative Conference (SIIIC). The event will provide a forum to share collective knowledge between current e-identity (eID) projects. The SIIIC takes place at the Hotel Donna Camilla Savelli in Rome, Italy, between 8th and 9th July 2013.
Now in its second year, the SIIIC is being hosted in cooperation with EEMA and other major eID initiatives, projects and partners. Day one will include presentations from senior representatives from FutureID, STORK 2.0, epSOS, eSENS, abc4trust and Trust in Digital Life. Spokespeople from ENISA, TERENA, GSMA, ITU-T and the US NSTIC initiative will also participate in the two-day agenda.
President of SSEDIC coordinator, Nestor, Tor Vergata University of Rome, Maurizio Talamo states: “The intention of the SIIIC is to give the many current eID projects from across Europe and its worldwide partners an open forum in which to collaborate, share knowledge and results, as we all work towards a Single European Digital Identity Community to be embedded in an international eID ecosystem.”
The second day of the SIIIC will include a series of practical workshops, covering the key issues currently facing eID initiatives, these include adoption models, attribute management, authentication, criminal justice, public-private cooperation, regulation, stakeholder and industry perspectives, standards, technology and infrastructure, trust frameworks and liability and visionary eID models.