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Liam McShane is Sales Director at Perfect Display Technology Co Ltd., the provider of LCD and LED displays for surveillance and other applications. A Northern Irishman who’s been living in Shenzhen, China since 2014, Liam has a passion for technology and sales. Liam has had a long career in sales within many industries - helped by a strange mind for specifications and random trivia. caught up with him to find out more:

How did you come to work in the security industry?

While working in China in the Financial Services Industry I met a guy who asked if I was interested in a career change, working in International Sales for a Monitor Manufacturer. I went along for an interview and found excellent products and saw great potential in the company for growth, so I decided to take a chance. I haven’t regretted it since!

What is the best professional advice you have received?

Take whatever chances come along. It’s much better to regret something you did than something you didn’t do! (From a mentor at my first financial services company)

Quick Facts
Biggest hero Valentino Rossi
Favourite album Too many to list! I'm a DJ after all!
First job Butcher
Dogs or cats?
Dogs (Cats are evil!)
Ideal holiday Anything but the beach!

What's something few people know about you?

I have been a DJ since the age of 13 and I occasionally sing with a few different bands around Shenzhen City. I also used to be very active in Motorsports and have commentated for the Ulster Drift Championship and the Irish Drag Racing Championship.

What's the most rewarding thing about what you do for a living?

I’d have to say it’s the travelling, although it’s a double-edged sword. It can be very tiring, but I have been to many places I wouldn’t have otherwise been and seen things I didn’t ever expect to see. The drawback is the amount of time away from home. I sometimes think I live on a plane!

Liam McShane, Parfect Display Technology Sales Director enjoys DJing in jis spare time
Liam McShane has been a DJ since the age of 13 and occasionally sings with a few different bands around Shenzhen City

What are your interests, hobbies and passions outside security?

Well, being a long-time DJ I am very into music, and I also have a passion for a lot of sports including football, rugby, motorsport, boxing and MMA. I also enjoy riding my various skateboards (I’m still a big kid in my late 30s!), and I love technology in all forms, including games consoles, mobile phones and all sorts of gadgets. I even own 2 electric self-balancing unicycles!

Where was your last vacation? Would you recommend it to others and why?

Believe it or not, it was a vacation to Ireland (North and South) at Christmas 2016. Living away from “home” and travelling a lot for work means I tend to vacation in Ireland in order to visit family and friends. This time I brought my girlfriend and actually visited some places I’d never been, such as some of the Game of Thrones locations and the Cliffs of Moher, although I had the privilege of growing up near Winterfell! I would absolutely recommend Ireland as the people are some of the nicest in the world and the scenery some of the most beautiful!

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