National Security Officer Appreciation week recognises security officers' contributions to our daily lives |
AlliedBarton Security Services, the industry's premier provider of highly trained security personnel, is proud to honour all security officers with the industry's first National Security Officer Appreciation Week. The inaugural National Security Officer Appreciation Week will be held the week of September 20, 2015. Subsequent National Security Officer Appreciation Weeks will be held each year during the third full week of September.
"The security officers who strive to help maintain safe and secure workplaces, business, schools, shopping malls and communities deserve our heartfelt appreciation," says Bill Whitmore, Chairman and CEO, AlliedBarton. "These individuals deter crime, lead evacuations, provide information and directions, work closely with local law enforcement and are constantly vigilant in their efforts to keep us safe."
AlliedBarton is establishing National Security Officer Appreciation Week to recognise security officers' many contributions to our daily lives. This includes contract and in-house security personnel across all industries. The appreciation week is also an opportunity to profile the many roles security officers fill; debunk misconceptions and stereotypes; and raise awareness of the career opportunities that exist within the security services industry.
This annual event will be featured in the upcoming edition of Chase's Calendar of Events. Join in the celebration on social media using #ThankUSecurity in your posts.