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Research has revealed only 36% of holidaymakers take steps to secure their property before they go away.

With the May half-term approaching, the home security experts at ADT have revealed how to optimise the home’s security before going away.

10 ways to keep the home secure whilst on holiday:

  • 1. Don’t leave empty milk bottles with a note. If regularly receive a milk delivery, pause the order before departing for the holiday. The best way to do this is by contacting the milk delivery service directly, rather than leaving empty milk bottles with a note attached. This is a common mistake that potential thieves may pick up on.
  • 2. Postpone mail service. The accumulation of posts in the mailbox is clear evidence of inactivity in the home. To prevent this, contact the local post office or apply online to request the postponement of the mail service for the time away. Once returned from the trip post will be delivered, meaning won't miss any important mail.
  • 3. Pause or reschedule any deliveries. Expecting packages while away? Delivery drivers may leave parcels in what they consider a ‘safe place,’ assuming the home shortly to pick it up. However, a pile of parcels is a clear indication of burglars on holiday. To avoid being targeted, ask a neighbour to collect any parcels or re-schedule any deliveries.  
  • 4. Secure windows and doors. Make sure to secure all windows and doors, remove any keys from locks or where intruders can see them, and bring in the spare key from its hiding spot. Before leave, spare a few minutes to walk around the home to double-check everything is secure - worth it for the safety of the property and for peace of mind. 
  • 5. Make slippery slopes. Many burglars obtain access to a home using drain pipes, low fences, or walls that are easy to climb. Investing in anti-climb paint will leave a sleek, more slippery surface that will make surfaces difficult for thieves to scale.
  • 6. Clean up the garden. Thieves look for escape routes and hiding spots when deciding which homes to break into, meaning gardens with high, overgrown hedges are more likely to be targeted. Before leaving, give the garden a thorough tidy-up to make the property less likely to be targeted whilst away.
  • 7. Ensure the house looks lived in. Whilst may be tempted to leave lights on for the whole time are away, thieves will spot this. Using automatic timer switches for turning on a few well-appointed lights and a radio or TV will ensure the house does not seem empty. Be sure to have lights come on at different times throughout the time away to really deter any thieves. ADT Smart Plugs allow to remotely turn off and on devices plugged into these devices and can also have them turn lamps on when motion is detected by camera devices outside the property. ADT’s new outdoor camera also has two-way audio so can warn off anyone on the property and emit a high pitch siren to deter any further encroachment.
  • 8. Keep holidays off social media. Social media is increasingly being used by burglars to find empty houses, with thieves watching Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts to work out when residents are away. Avoid posting about breaks on any social media platforms whilst are away and instead wait until back home to update friends and family about the trip.
  • 9. Get a trusted companion to help out. Asking a family member, friend or neighbour to come over every day will create the illusion that someone is living in the house. Ask them to move any post, open and close blinds and curtains, and park a car in the driveway, to put off any potential burglars who could be monitoring the home. 
  • 10. Take control of home security. From automating the home to making it look like when not, ADT has a wide range of innovative home security products, designed to protect the home while away. When the ADT alarm is triggered, the monitoring centre is immediately notified, prompting them to notify and keyholders of the alarm activation. If smoke or heat is detected at the property whilst away, ADT’s 24/7/365 monitoring will again notify, and if necessary, the fire service, minimising any potential damage.

Author's quote

Locking your doors and windows may seem an obvious step, but the stress of preparing for a holiday

Michele Bennett, General Manager at ADT Subscriber has commented on how to secure the property whilst on holiday: “Unfortunately, thieves are smart and opportunistic, so whilst it can seem there are an endless number of things to do to prepare for a holiday, ensuring you spend enough time securing your property is essential."

He adds, "Locking your doors and windows may seem an obvious step, but the stress of preparing for a holiday can leave you forgetting to do the most simple tasks. Be sure to remove any keys from doors, that all windows are fully closed and not left on the latch, and do a final check before leaving your home."

Sharing updates

Getaways are exciting, and it can be tempting to tell everyone all about your holiday, however, 78% of burglars use Facebook and Twitter to target potential properties. Sharing updates on social media whilst you’re away may seem harmless, but ultimately leaves your property at risk, so be sure to wait until you are back home to post about your time away."

Making your house look lived in is essential whilst you're away. There’s no bigger giveaway that nobody is home than the accumulation of posts, packagers, or bottles of milk at the front door and this is exactly what opportunistic burglars look out for. Pausing these services is an easy way of deterring any thieves from identifying your property as a target. Additionally, you need to be clever with your lights, don’t just program them to turn on at the same time every day. Have them switch on at random times throughout the day to really offset burglars - if a thief can’t figure out whether or not you’re home, they’re unlikely to risk trying to break in.”

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