Hotels, leisure & entertainment security applications - Expert commentary

Security market 2018 predictions: consolidation, acquisitions and partnerships

While the security industry continues to grow, increased commoditisation and the rise of low-cost cameras that are vulnerable to cyber-attacks has forced our industry to take a harder look at cybersecurity. Systems integrators and customers are increasingly aware of the dangers posed by these devices, and demand more accountability from manufacturers. This is good news for innovative manufacturers like Hanwha who have always put cybersecurity at the core of their product development. Because we...

2017 security trends: Lone wolf terror encourages vehicle access control system installations

With the changing “lone wolf” style of terrorism, there will be a trend toward many more installations of vehicle access control systems and smaller numbers of units. Where a university, military base or airport might have 20-plus systems scattered among its grounds, there will be a growing number of smaller applications needing one, two or three systems. These will include customers such as primary and secondary education facilities; pedestrian locations such as shopping centres,...

Why live video streaming is critical for safer and smarter cities

The term “smart city” gets thrown around a lot nowadays, but as different technologies that strive to be defined in this way are adopted by different countries globally, the meaning of this phrase gets lost in translation. The simplest way to define a “smart city” is that it is an urban area that uses different types of data collecting sensors to manage assets and resources efficiently. One of the most obvious types of “data collecting sensor” is the video ca...

Companies will use security data to improve decision making in 2018

Companies have vast amounts of data at their fingertips to help them make better business decisions about how to secure their buildings and improve business processes. What we will see next year is more companies determining HOW to use their data to help make better business decisions. Physical identity and access management systems with intuitive dashboards will help users determine how to use their data to save money. For example, reducing manual processes can free up hours of time. CSOs can f...

Surge protection for security installations: 2017 saw increased investment

In 2017, DITEK saw how power surges from the many natural disasters that took place damaged many businesses. In a natural disaster, or even everyday business operations, a facility’s entire investment in security, life safety and surveillance systems technology can be disabled or rendered useless in a few seconds. Surge protection solutions can mitigate those risks and protect security investments. Proactive approach to risk mitigation Throughout 2017, we also witnessed a change in how...

Five key steps for global security companies to become GDPR-compliant

News of cyberattacks seems constant these days. Recently, Equifax, a US-based consumer credit reporting agency, announced that a private customer data breach impacted 143 million people. Earlier this year, 1.5 million connected cameras around the world were hijacked in an unprecedented DDoS attack. As cyber-attacks become more rampant, it’s hardly surprising that governments are stepping in to hold organisations more accountable. One of the most recent examples of this is the European Un...

Security industry must adapt to terror and cyber-crime in 2018

ASIS International continues to adapt, innovate, and grow at the high speed of the industry and profession. If 2016 represented a year for new CEO Peter J. O’Neil and his senior management team and volunteer leadership to explore, review, and assess, 2017 was the year when many new initiatives took wing. Career Pathing initiative For one, the Society is working on a new model that includes corporate membership. A Career Pathing initiative is under way, in which the knowledge, skills, and...

Video surveillance 2018 forecast: AI, deep learning and video analytics will see widespread adoption

Today’s security industry has reached a critical mass in the volume of collected data and the limits of human attention to effectively search through that data. As such, the demand for video analytics is increasing globally and we believe that all video surveillance systems will eventually feature video analytics. Artificial Intelligence solutions Through the power of artificial intelligence (AI), Avigilon™ is developing technologies and products that dramatically increase the effe...

Choosing a storage system to meet IP video surveillance requirements

The number of security cameras in use today is growing exponentially. At the same time, resolutions are getting higher and higher. These two factors are placing heavy demands on servers and storage equipment. Of course, the capacity of these systems is also increasing, but that alone does not make the equipment truly suitable for the most demanding applications - such as camera surveillance. A video stream is not comparable to 'normal' data, for which storage systems are usually designed. This a...

The future is here: Artificial intelligence to become standard for smart cities

A tipping point is defined as: “The point at which a series of changes becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change”. In the same way that IP video changed surveillance a decade ago, our industry is now feeling the impact of recent developments in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data, and Intelligent Video Analysis. Keyword definitions Let’s start with a few more definitions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) deals with the sim...

Going digital: New technologies for emergency management

In recent years, organisations have transformed the way we prepare, respond to and manage emergency situations globally. Through the rapid uptake of new technologies, organisations can accurately account for their individuals in the event of an emergency and maintain the safety of their employees and visitors. In the event of an emergency in an organisation, an efficient and rapid evacuation is of the utmost importance, as hundreds or thousands of people need to be evacuated as quickly as possi...

Facilities are running out of time to comply with “All Hazards” emergency planning

The early October wildfires in Northern California and recent spate of hurricanes in the Southeast and Puerto Rico reinforce the fact that the healthcare community is in need of more stringent attention to organised and community-supported Emergency Management. Regulating healthcare facilities With the potential for catastrophes in the future, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has been working on "All-Hazards" Emergency Preparedness for several years and published CMS-3178 -...

Three top criteria for effective video surveillance storage

Video. It’s a central part of everyone’s lives — whether it’s streaming content to your home television, sharing your own recorded movies on social media or transforming video into actionable intelligence in the business environment — and the value of video from all aspects and markets in the world continues to expand. Use cases are growing as well: Employee training, student learning evaluations, marketing reviews, drone video capture for real estate sales and cu...

Top 3 mistakes when integrating security entrances and access control systems

Access control and security entrance integration is a specialised discipline. It is true that security entrances require only a dry contact and can integrate with virtually any access control system, but there are some things to be considered when researching the right access control system for your organisation’s security goals. After 21 years’ experience in the security industry—four of those serving as an advisor for security solutions to dozens of Fortune 1000 companies&md...

Preventing terror threats: Lockdown procedures for public spaces

The threat of international terrorism has changed the way the domestic security industry thinks about protection, just as much as it has for national security services. Whilst violent attacks and terrorism were once predominantly aimed at government, military or political establishments, an uncertain global political climate means the ability to rapidly lock down facilities has risen to the top of any organisation’s security wish list. In reality though, just how easy is it for most organ...

How live streaming video adds security, safety and business intelligence for end users

End users can add security, safety and business intelligence – while achieving a higher return on investment at their protected facilities – with live streaming video. It can be deployed effectively for IP video, network video recorders (NVRs) and body-worn cameras. The growing use of streaming video is resulting in vast technological developments and high-end software that promotes reduced bandwidth, high scalability and lower total cost of ownership (TCO). Here’s how users c...

Five security essentials to protect your business from crime

Crime is preventable and safeguarding your businesses through the use of technology is essential. Whether you want to avoid burglaries or common vandalism, you need to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations to protect your brand’s identity. Security should be one of your main focuses and with the help of 2020 Vision, providers of access control systems, we look at some of the most efficient items that you need in place to protect your property. 1) Deploy CCTV effectively acr...

Smart home trends: Combining professional security with the DIY approach

The smart home market has seen significant growth since 2010. Specifically, less than 0.5% of homes in the American region had connected home devices such as thermostats, lighting, security and entertainment in 2010; by the end of 2017, nearly 12% of households in the region will have connected home devices, an average of six devices per home. The success of smart homes started with professional security providers offering bundled packages, focused mostly on security monitoring. However, due to...

Advanced threat detection: How video analytics is evolving to meet the need for speed

In the digital age, speed has never been more critical. Customers expect an instant response to a query. Executives expect sales data on their tablets in front of them in real-time. A site manager at an oil refinery needs an instant alert about a defective valve. An IT manager expects to know about a phishing email before it hits his employees’ inboxes. The 'need for speed' is impacting the physical security sector too. Customers increasingly expect their security systems to identify and...

Download: Safeguarding food production with video surveillance

When we contemplate where and how our food is made, cleanliness and hygiene are typically at the top of the list of necessities. And when it comes to production facilities, strict regulations and sanitation requirements are in place to ensure that the highest levels of food safety are met.  This white paper by Oncam explores the different aspects of food safety and defence in the production, manufacturing and catering environments. It also offers practical guidance to the types of food cer...

Why fleet managers are choosing automated key control solutions

For fleet managers, the control and management of your fleet begins with control and management of the keys that start the vehicles. For some, this critical task is left to a very basic – and incredibly low-tech – solution, such as hooks mounted on a pegboard with a notebook for signing vehicle keys in and out. There are a number of shortcomings with this type of “system,” most notably that employees tend to ignore it altogether. With this type of honour system approach,...

Four ways to avoid security breaches when migrating to the cloud

Cloud computing has many benefits, including greater flexibility, infrastructure cost savings, and enhanced computing performance. However, the cloud presents new security challenges that organisations need to address. A failure to implement security controls and adhere to solid data governance practices could result in a breach. Preventing worst case scenarios Consider this scenario, a company begins their migration by getting excited about the possibilities the cloud can provide to their app...

Five emerging terrorism trends security professionals must anticipate

What drives terrorism? It's a question asked by governments, individuals, militaries and businesses. Terrorist tactics and tradecraft constantly evolve to respond to external forces that enable, constrain and otherwise shape them. Tracking the influential forces that shape terrorism is crucial to understanding how attacks are conducted and placing an attack in context. But most importantly, understanding the drivers of terrorism helps security professionals anticipate terrorism trends so they...

Cyber security myths and how they are damaging your business

There has been a significant shift in the methodology used by cyber criminals over the past couple of years, in particular. Whilst traditional ‘hacking’ and malware are still prevalent, there has been a boom in other types of attack, in particular Ransomware and Social Engineering. So, why has this happened? Most profitable types of cyber attack There is an old saying, “follow the money”, and nowhere is this more pertinent when considering cyber-crimes against UK busine...

What challenges does Brexit pose for UK border security?

The 2017 decision of the British electorate to leave the EU was a shock to many within and beyond the UK. It is one of the most significant decisions in the UK’s history. It reflects a long-running uneasiness with the land mass across the Channel, not only because of geographical separation but also because of cultural disconnection. The UK is one of few European countries not to have been occupied or oppressed since the Norman invasion of 1066, and hence has an independence of spirit whi...

How IT will help you exceed your video surveillance goals

If I asked you today how your video surveillance environment has changed over the past few years, how would you respond? I bet the answer could include the following options: An increase in the number of cameras The addition of more advanced technologies such as high-definition video, video analytics, 360-degree video devices, cloud-based services and more IT innovations. Demand for more video data to drive business, IT and security initiatives. Modern video surveillance The modernisati...

Video surveillance storage solutions: The good, the bad and the ugly

When a news story of global interest begins to break, reporters across the world will scramble to find CCTV footage of the event, however isolated the incident may seem. Given the average of one camera installed for every twenty-nine people on the planet, it is perhaps unsurprising how often a persistent journalist, investigator or member of the public will actually be able to uncover footage. In fact, this number is estimated to be as high as one camera for every eleven people in mature market...

Six advantages of an effective PSIM solution

PSIMs have had a bad rap in the pro security industry for a multitude of reasons; ranging from suppliers overpromising on integration and control capabilities to complexity of implementation and use. However, there is a silver lining to this story. Today, advanced PSIM solutions are being successfully deployed in commercial applications with the ability to integrate previously disparate professional access, video, notification, building operations and more onto a unified control and management...

Four ways the cloud improves your cyber security posture

Adoption of the cloud is not slowing down. In fact, what’s happening is quite the opposite. According to IDC, worldwide spending on cloud computing is expected to reach $162 billion USD in 2020, growing at a compound annual rate of 19%. This isn’t surprising when you consider that more organisations are looking outside their own environment for solutions that will help them become more agile, maximise resources and save money. Yet, while this study and countless others show that mo...

How to use video analytics and metadata to prevent terrorist attacks

Today ‘terrorism’ has become a word we use and hear every day. The goal of terrorism is a media product - information delivered to nearly every house in the world. So, the weapon of terrorism is information. Therefore, the way we defend and prevent terrorism must also be based on intelligent processing of information - and an early awareness of potential threats and effective preventive action may eliminate most attacks. Video analytics, automated surveillance and AI decision-making...