Healthcare security applications - Expert commentary

Power supplies: critical component of security solution effectiveness

Security integrators prefer to standardizetheir choices of system components such as power supplies using security manufacturers they are familiar with Power supplies may be inconspicuous and literally out-of-sight; however, they play a critical role in the effective functioning of security solutions.  Selecting and using the right power supply is an important aspect of ensuring that the installed security system delivers the desired outcome and of course, a good ROI. In...

Video systems: delivering value to enterprise business intelligence

If you think of video surveillance as an instrument of the security department, you risk overlooking the broader benefits of video. The fact is, video is much more than a security tool, it is a business intelligence (BI) tool. In this article, Gadi Piran President of OnSSI discusses how video systems can be used as an effective BI tool in a range of different vertical markets. The advances in video management systems that include cutting-edge video analytics present a huge opp...

Security system implementation: "bleeding edge" versus leading edge security technologies

The choice of the right security technology is one of the primary considerations for implementation or upgrade of a video surveillance system or other security system. Industry professionals making this critical decision often have to choose between a ‘bleeding edge’ technology, i.e. one that is in its infancy but offers great potential, and a leading edge proven technology. In this article, Stephen Malia - Vice President of Engineering Services and Marketing at North A...

Lighting challenges in video surveillance in retail, financial and hospitality sectors

Ambient lighting in hospitality environments pose major challenges for video surveillance Variable lighting conditions pose a persistent challenge in video surveillance applications such as large retail locations, banks and financial institutions, and hospitality environments.Challenges to lighting quality Typically, retail locations, banks and hospitality venues include an abundance of windows. The resulting excessive light can damage video image quality, by flooding the ima...

Fibre optic transmission in security and surveillance solutions

  Fibre optics enhances the operation and business bottom line of surveillance solutions Designers and end users of security systems, integrators and installers must consider and balance the functionality required of a video surveillance camera with its methods of transmission. This is the first of a 3-part examination by Mark Wilson, Marketing Vice President of Infinova, of how chief security officers (CSOs), directors and managers can understand the benefits of and...

True open platform IP video: the distinguishing characteristics

  Acquiring a true open platform surveillance software requires an informed decision Research reports pertaining to the IP video surveillance market repeatedly talk up the trend of "Open Platform". Keeping with that trend, it seems that every manufacturer is claiming its offerings to be IP-based and Open Platform. In the security industry these days, it has become almost embarrassing for a company to admit having a proprietary (single vendor) solution - there seems to be a...

Contactless smart cards in health care institutions: Considerations for entering the health care market

   Hospitals need stronger 'in-depth' physical security at different entry points Within the course of any given day, a hospital or health care chief security officer (CSO) faces the task of not only protecting multiple points of access but also doing so in a way that enables movement and activity, is convenient for staff and patients and does not impede the facility's primary function: saving lives. Health care facilities exist in a wide variety of medical focus, adm...

Axis Communications considers the future for the security industry took the time to catch up with the CEO and President of the company that invented the network camera more than 10 years ago, Axis Communications, to ask him whether the era of IP-based surveillance had arrived and what obstacles remain in the way of more widespread adoption. Do you think IP-Surveillance has finally come of age? Ray Mauritsson: Yes and it is not just Axis saying this.  You only need to look at the growth of sales of the network...