IP Dome cameras News

Cloud increases service opportunities to foster integrator success

Managed and hosted services allow users access from a variety of connected devices It’s not about hardware anymore, although quality components are a must. Now, it’s about how technology performs. For the systems integrator, there’s also an opportunity to provide essential services to keep customers connected. As with many other businesses, the security industry is being “disrupted” and influenced by the cloud. Delivering outsourced security and...

Crowd movements and the impact on security

Unrealistic promises by over-enthused marketers and under-delivery by R&D departments have damaged the cause of video analytics almost since its inception. For me, the exaggeration reached its worst point when industry pundits suggested that we would soon be able to identify and alert on anomalous behaviour of the kind demonstrated by the Tsarnaev brothers in the moments before the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings. Mainstream journalists speculated that the two Chechen broth...

What is the value of "full-frame-rate" video?

The evolution of IP video has placed a lot of attention on the resolution of video, as measured in the growing number of pixels in a frame. But another variable, receiving less attention, is the number of frames captured per minute (fps). We inherited the idea of “full-frame-rate” video from the analogue world, but increasing numbers of pixels (and more data!) have sometimes led to use of slower frame rates. We asked our Expert Panel: What is the value of “full-frame-rate&rdquo...

Moore’s Law drives future security industry predictions

The future will produce cost-effective solutions that can provide meaningful coverage of wide expansive areas The greatest trend in history will continue to change the world, and the physical security market. It’s called Moore’s Law. In accordance with Moore’s Law, our electronics have consistently doubled in speed, halved in size, or halved in price every two years for decades already. This trend means that our electronics, communications networks, data ne...

Video storage system cost considerations

Strategic management of costs is important when considering video storage systems Costs are at issue when considering any component of a video system. Strategic management of costs is especially important when considering video storage systems because storage accounts for such a large cost component of networked systems. Gartner’s Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) As enterprise products begin to dominate the video storage market, more attention needs to be addressed to Gar...

Open architecture in access control - room for improvement

Integrators and end users should be aware that their definition of open might differ from those of security manufacturers Much of the buzz in the industry today about open architecture is driven by the IT world, with many security-related decisions now falling on an organisation’s IT department, where true open architecture has been around for a long time. Closed systems like we’ve experienced in the security world are not just viewed as foreign to the IT world; th...

Vicon providing openness against “total solutions” manufacturers

We’re seeing a market trend toward manufacturers seeking to provide “total solutions” rather than components. The trend is reflected clearly in recent industry consolidation, for example. When companies that manufacture various components become part of a single corporate owner, it’s not a stretch to expect the new owners to combine those components into a single end-to-end solution – sooner or later. Manufacturers are also leveraging OEM agreements and other partne...

How video storage ensures critical data isn’t lost

The fundamental value of data is widely apparent in modern society, and its loss may have significant consequences Video data is critical to today’s enterprise. The latest video storage systems must offer dependable operation that doesn’t risk loss of that critical data. DDN - When performance matters “Not only is bandwidth very important, but functionality cannot be lost when a storage system is having a bad day,” says Jeff Adams, director of sales,...

Rethinking DIY: new opportunities for recurring revenue

According IHS Technology, more than 11 million consumer and DIY network cameras will be shipped worldwide this year Perhaps we should start looking at do-it-yourself (DIY) systems such Google’s Nest and other devices as an opportunity for existing security contractors – those that are open-minded anyway – to bring in additional customers and new streams of recurring monthly revenue (RMR). DIY systems continue to proliferate in the marketplace and are availab...

Are megapixel/panoramic-view cameras an effective substitute for PTZs?

Megapixel and panoramic camera manufacturers have been predicting the demise of pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ cameras) for several years now. They contend that PTZs can be replaced by the higher resolutions of newer cameras, coupled with their ability to “zoom” in digitally on a specific area of an image and show sufficient detail. New panoramic cameras also capture everything in a wider field of view, while a PTZ camera runs a risk of missing important action because it is pointed in the wrong...

How SIP-enabled intercoms open up communication with security departments

The trend towards greater unification is facilitated by an all-encompassing shift to IP technologies As more organisations are looking for ways to maximise resources and increase operational efficiencies, unification of multiple security and business systems is gaining popularity. From the central command center, there is significant time lost when operators have to jump from video surveillance to access control systems to analyse an incident and take appropriate measures. Eve...

New capabilities to monitor real time security system operations

When you need to view video of an incident or information about an access point, you expect your security system will provide that information. But what happens if a camera or card reader isn’t working for some reason? It’s the security director’s worst nightmare. Sadly, the moment when a system fails is often the first indication an end user has that there is a problem. A useful trend I saw at ISC West this year is growth in various types of diagnostic, monitoring and control...

What are the benefits of extended service contracts?

Seeking to manage uncertainty is part of the core mission of security professionals. When it comes to the technology systems they depend on every day, extended service agreements are a tool to manage uncertainty as it applies to system operation. We asked our Expert Panel this week to comment on how extended service contracts benefit users, integrators and/or suppliers. Their answers effectively enumerate multiple benefits to all parties involved. Ongoing service and maintenance help to ensure c...

Convergence of VMS and access control

Michael Byrden, Sales Director of ACT, considers the convergence of facility management. He describes how ACT, the access control manufacturer, has acquired a VMS and analytics development house in order to unify security solutions and bring customers nearer to the goal of a truly intelligent building. Desire for open systems Major acquisitions have been dominating the news recently and, even if this lays me open to a charge of naivety, I genuinely believe that they aren’t predatory. As...

SeeTec, acquired by OnSSI, supplying the recorder for new Ocularis Version

Since acquiring SeeTec AG, On-Net Surveillance Systems, Inc. (OnSSI) is bringing production of its entire software platform in house. The SeeTec recorder will replace OnSSI’s legacy recorder, previously OEM’d by Milestone, beginning with the introduction of Ocularis 5.x. Familiar in Europe, SeeTec is a privately held German-based company providing VMS solutions and was among the first providers of network-based video management applications. With SeeTec now part of OnSSI, the combin...

Digitisation and the physical security industry

Since 2006, the LUSAX research program at Lund University in Sweden has investigated the effects of digitisation on the physical security industry. This article will look into the forces driving digitisation, and how those forces broadly translate and impacts the physical security industry. Historically, physical security systems have moved from purely mechanical systems into systems holding both mechanical and electronic low-voltage circuit-based components. Development was...

Networking basics for security professionals: Understanding the role of midspans to supply power

Just as with network switches, there are no real standards for midspans In general terms, a midspan is a power over Ethernet (PoE) power source that is placed between a network switch and the device being powered, hence the term midspan. The real question is, with almost all network switches providing PoE power, why do we need a midspan? The answer is, in some cases we don’t, but in others we do. As with any other product we have discussed, we need to first consider that...

Technology contributes to holistic security approach at primary/secondary schools

Honeywell recently helped the Penns Valley Area School district in Pennsylvania design and implement a custom security system Security systems are just part of the solution to protecting primary/secondary schools. Technology can contribute to a broader, holistic approach to security that is customised to meet the needs of each educational institution. Honeywell has helped many schools customise security systems to meet each school’s unique needs, says Bruce Montgomery,...

How does globalisation impact the physical security marketplace?

There’s almost no such thing as a local business anymore. Even the smallest of entrepreneurs find they have immediate access to a global marketplace via the Internet, and larger companies continue to find new ways to maximise their successes throughout the world. We asked our panellists this week to comment on how they see globalisation impacting the physical security market. Their broad-ranging responses emphasis the opportunities and challenges of succeeding the global marketplace.

A wrinkle emerges in Canon’s acquisition of Axis Communications

Anyone thinking the Canon acquisition of Axis is a done deal should reconsider. Not so fast. A wrinkle has emerged as the Japanese imaging giant has been buying up shares of Axis in anticipation of acquiring the Swedish camera manufacturer. The wrinkle comes in the form of a hedge fund company called Elliott Management, which has reportedly bought 10.91 percent of Axis stock. Incomplete sale The number is significant because Canon needs to acquire 90 percent of Axis stock in order to force th...

Challenges to video analytics adoption

see bigger image Figure 5: Providing correct and useful results requires intersection of user intentions, VCA interpretation, and results provided by VCA tool The term Video Content Analysis (VCA) is often used to describe sophisticated video analytics technologies designed to assist analysts in classifying or detecting events of interest in videos. These events may include the appearance of a particular object, class of objects, or action. VCA technology employs a comple...

Security needs persist despite budget challenges of primary/secondary education market

Beyond the need to install new systems, often overlooked is how schools are going to pay for security upgrades Limited financial resources are a common pain point for primary/secondary schools looking to implement cutting-edge security technology. But security needs persist despite scarce resources. All school administrators want to do everything in their power to secure their facilities against threats. More schools are recognising the benefits and, in some cases, requiremen...

How could ISC West be improved to make it more valuable for attendees and exhibitors?

As we unpack our bags – literally and figuratively - from the recent ISC West in Las Vegas, it seems an appropriate time to reflect on the busy show. Specifically, it’s a good time to consider how the exhibition could be improved to be more valuable for attendees and/or exhibitors. We asked our panellists for their opinions, and we’re also interested in any other post-show commentary – please share in the comments section.

Integrity matters for business success, not gender, says Chicago-based integrator

Wong was the first Asian woman to obtain the Alarm Contractor License Mun C. Wong, PSP and president of VinTech Systems Inc. in Chicago, is a successful entrepreneur who has brought new technologies and a knack for superior service to her integration business.  In fact, at the age of 29, she was the first Asian woman to obtain the Alarm Contractor License from the State of Illinois and its Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. But she doesn't focus on gend...

Battling the $36 billion U.S. problem of retail shrinkage losses

Employees are the front line of defence — as well as the most economical defence — against shrinkage losses The financial cost of retail shrinkage is huge. The latest Annual Shrink Report issued by Dr. Richard Hollinger and Dr. Read Hayes at the University of Florida puts the total at $36 billion annually. Shrinkage has several causes: customers shoplifting , employee theft, supplier fraud and administrative errors. Frequent inventories and accounting audits coun...

Integrators should foster relationships to increase primary/secondary education sales

Integrators must understand that the primary/secondary education market has a unique and urgent need for access control, but with limited budgets Systems integrators play a key role delivering effective security solutions to the kindergarten through 12th grade (primary/secondary) education market. Schools certainly depend on an integrator’s expertise regarding which electronic products to choose. However, schools also rely the benefit of an integrator’s experience...

School security: Communication and controlling access

Readily available security technology can help officials take control of their campuses Two top priorities for school security are the ability to communicate within a facility, and the ability to control access of who comes and goes. Paul Timm, president of RETA Security, an independent school security consulting firm, acknowledges the value (and popularity) of video cameras for school security, but that value is almost completely realised in terms of forensics – reactin...

Networking basics for security professionals: What do layers really mean?

Layering as applied to computers is a made up term having no relationship to any particular standards When it comes to setting the criteria for network switching, we often hear “I only want a layer 3 switch.” We naturally assume that since the number 3 is bigger than the number 2, a layer 3 switch must be better than a layer 2 switch. It may surprise you, but when it comes to video security applications, this may not be the case. In fact, just the opposite may...

The numbers tell the video story at ISC West: 4K and H.265

The latest in video surveillance equipment at ISC West this week is reflected by the numbers you hear repeatedly on the show floor, numbers like 4K and H.265. Big players like Panasonic have joined the 4K bandwagon in a big way. Sony introduced a 4K camera with a larger sensor size (1-inch) to increase light sensitivity, displaying the better view alongside a “Brand X” competitor in the Sony booth. “Sharper and smarter” Promoting a theme of “sharper and smarter,...

Convergence of IT networks and physical security

Kevin Brownell, principal physical security consultant at PTS Consulting Group, considers convergence of IT networks and physical security. He argues that current best practice shows that they no longer need to be separate disciplines and reassures installers that their diversity has been exaggerated. Brownell describes experiences of working with IT managers who no longer see networked CCTV and access control as ‘black arts’ and are buying into the idea of IP security as an integr...

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Which feature is most important in a video surveillance system?