CCTV cameras News

Dealer/Integrators face obstacles in the transportation sector, but it’s worth it

The security landscape continues to evolve in new, complex ways for transportation customers Dealers looking to enter – or to expand their presence in – the transportation vertical must adapt to the unique needs of each transportation agency customer. Issues such as limited budgets/resources, aging technologies, operational challenges and safety issues must all be considered when designing a system to best meet an agency’s needs. Integrators should seek to i...

Body worn camera sales spike in months after Ferguson

I speculated earlier about an anticipated spike in demand for body worn cameras in response to the highly publicised shooting incident in Ferguson, Mo., last August. An analysis of a database of procurement activity and spending plans from more than 80,000 government entities in the United States confirms the continuing impact the shooting is having on the demand for body worn cameras. Reflecting what might be called the “Ferguson effect,” government data firm Onvia reports there we...

Cloud-based monitoring services: redefining technology’s reach

A growing number of users look to add cloud-based functionality to their surveillance toolkits In today’s market, both end users and resellers seek new technologies to make security programs more effective, while also helping business and employees be more efficient. Cloud-based monitoring services are gaining a significant amount of attention as an emerging solution to meet these needs. Maria Cambria, Vice President, Technical Center of Excellence, DVTEL says that end u...

Sandy Hook lawsuit alleges breakdown in security

A lawsuit filed by the parents of children killed in the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012 highlights how the best-thought-out security plans can fall apart because of details and/or last-minute changes. Before the tragedy unfolded, Sandy Hook Elementary had established protocols in place to cope in the event of an active shooter incident. However, some of the protocols broke down on the day of the shooting, and it’s possible that additional young lives were lost as a result. A lawsuit f...

How can governments and other relevant authoritative bodies manage privacy objections from the public when installing new surveillance cameras?

Video surveillance, or CCTV, is becoming increasingly common in cities and other public places all over the world. The benefits of video surveillance cameras to prevent crime and aid police investigations have been well documented, and there have been several high-profile cases in which video was instrumental in solving a crime. Still, whenever video surveillance is proposed in a public place, there can be opposition, based on privacy concerns, from various interest groups and the general public...

It takes a security village to end deception

Unscrupulous companies reversing positive steps made by security industry to remove stigma of being known as "trunk slammers" ABC news report reaffirms need for industry action For the businesses that make up the electronic security industry, it’s an issue that undermines all the progress we have made to date. It’s deceptive door-to-door sales tactics, and it’s still having an impact on the alarm industry. It affects the entire industry – from lar...

Looking at security in light of the Paris attacks

What lessons, if any, are there to be learned from the recent attacks in Paris? Recent events in Paris highlight the deadly and changing face of terrorism in 2015. Two gunmen armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles attacked the Paris offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on 7 January, killing 12 people in all, including eight Charlie Hebdo employees and two national police officers. Two days later, the terrorism continued with a hostage crisis at a printing firm at Dammartin-en-G...

A pivotal year for security dealers: More changes in store for 2015

Suffice it to say 2014 was a pivotal year for the majority of alarm dealers and installers. Many have had to change their way of thinking and their method of doing business, while adapting to ever-changing technology. But those who continue to reinvent their go-to-market model prove that the integration business is the place to be – and there’s money to be made, albeit it not in simply installing boxes and hardware. In fact, that mind-set changed several years ago, and...

Return on Investment for today’s security cameras

Security cameras can earn a return on investment (ROI) that goes beyond security Today’s security camera technology can help speed entrance screening and provide video under very low light conditions. In each case, security cameras can earn a return on investment (ROI) that goes beyond security. One difference between today’s security cameras and older generations of camera technology is something called wide dynamic range or WDR. It is a feature that enables a ca...

Terrorism in Paris: What are the lessons for physical security?

Right after the Paris terrorist attacks, a headline I read throughout the media asked: “Did intelligence services drop the ball?” The question has a familiar ring, and you’ll find variations on it throughout the last and present centuries concerning events that range from presidential assassinations to 9/11, 7/7 in London and the 2008 Mumbai bombings. But physical security, rather than information gathering, is our scope here. From the moment I saw thermal imagin...

Paris terrorism attacks reflect a problem larger than us

The recent terrorist acts in Paris defy any understanding or explanation. The events represent a level of mayhem that defies easy answers, emblematic of a global security threat that demands a unified, worldwide response way beyond what is achievable by any combination of technology gadgets. Simply put, the problem is not our industry’s to solve. It’s bigger than we are. Still, such events haunt the people in our market – dedicated as we are to protecting people, facilities and...

Reflecting on impacts in the security industry over the last year

There have been a number of developments in the last year which have impacted the security industry in one way or another.  As we begin a new year, we thought we'd ask our panellists to reflect back on 2014 and tell us what changes they think have made the largest impact in their areas of expertise within the security industry.

Usefulness of video at airports extends beyond security

Video cameras are great tools for security at airports, but increasingly cameras are offering operational benefits, too. Anthony Incorvati, business development manager, critical infrastructure and transportation, Axis Communications, says cameras at airports today are often used for operations rather than (or in addition to) security. For example, cameras mounted at departure gates are not installed for security but rather for operations and maintenance, as a tool to help airlines...

Cannabis and Security: Technology solutions provide protection for emerging legalised marijuana industry

The growing market for legal marijuana (now available in some form in 24 states) has also generated a demand for security products and service to protect the industry from illegal activities. “For the most part, companies are looking for what we call the traditional surveillance systems whereby you have visible deterrence,” says Monty Henry, president of LLC in Ventura, Calif. Many companies are seeking more sophisticated systems t...

Video analytics: One size does not fit all

Security professionals and end users are eager to define video analytics In the era where “I” is king, video analytics have become a topic of excitement, confusion, and deliberation. All one needs to do is take a stroll through the latest security expo to recognise how popular the space is, and how difficult it is to find an adequate explanation of what they are and how they work. So what are video analytics? This is the question both end users and security profess...

Meet Dave Tyson - ASIS 2015 president

Dave Tyson has 30 years of experience in all facets of enterprise security The incoming president of ASIS has volunteered with industry groups for years. His goal: to help people get better at their jobs. With 30 years' experience in all facets of enterprise security, Dave Tyson, CPP, CISSP, looks forward to his 2015 term as President of ASIS International (ASIS). “I’ve spent a lot of years working to make a difference in the security industry,” Tyson says...

How Global positioning systems help prevent organised retail crime

Global positioning systems (GPS) have a role to play to combat shoplifting, especially in the fight against the growing trend of large-scale organised retail crime (ORC). Todd Morris, founder and CEO of BrickHouse Security, recently explained to me how GPS fits into the fight against retail crime. A variety of GPS devices – from small “micro” sensors to plug-in devices for cars to wired devices – can all be tracked using the same cloud-based service, which manages the de...

What will 2015 bring? can't wait to find out!

It has been interesting to read all the Review and Forecast articles we published over the last month. The holiday season was a perfect time to reflect on the previous year, and it is interesting to read about all the companies, their visions for 2015 and their accomplishments. It reminds me how lucky I am to be a part of an industry dedicated to protecting assets, people and facilities. The opportunity to report on a constantly changing business climate and a wealth of interesting technology is...

Security is better than ever! The industry is optimistic looking to 2015

Dozens of suppliers, dealers, installers and industry organisations participated in our First Annual Security Market Review and Forecast 2014 was a great time to be in the security industry, and 2015 will be even better. This is the optimistic view shared among industry leaders contacted by and asked to reflect on the market in 2014 and to look ahead to the New Year. Dozens of suppliers, dealers, installers and industry organisations participated in our...

Video surveillance transforming into data source

 The increased viability of surveillance video as data will be an opportunity for growth and development Pivot3 2014/2015 Review and Forecast: It was a solid year for the industry – not great, but not bad. The state of the economy and less U.S. government grant money for surveillance in the last year held the security industry back overall.  There were two interesting trends as it relates to server/storage infrastructure for video surveillance. First, the pr...

Uncertainty and opportunity for integrators within security market

PSA Security Network is taking steps to help educate security professionals concerning both threats and opportunities related to cybersecurity PSA Security Network 2014/2015 Review & Forecast2014 was a year of great change and advancement in the security industry as a whole. We saw an uptick in DIY security solutions focused on residential and small commercial markets. Perhaps the biggest impact to the security market is that more pieces of security solutions are now cloud...

Look for untapped mid- and small-level opportunity for success

Companies embracing new cloud-based technologies will be among the winners, those with legacy business models will struggle Vision Security Technologies 2014/2015 Review & ForecastThe year 2014 was somewhat flat due to a still recovering economy and building industry in our Southern region of the United States. We saw a greater expectation for higher quality video surveillance throughout the mid-market sector. Vision Security Technologies also saw an increase in campus...

Impact of 4K cameras to accelerate in 2015

Over the past year Sony has expanded its product lineup to include a range of capabilities Sony 2014/2015 Review and Forecast: Many would agree that one of the most important trend in 2014 has been the emergence of 4K. We’ve already seen the first 4K security cameras hit the market, at a premium price. Sony is already a champion of 4K technology, which offers a resolution that is four times greater than Full HD (1080p), making for a sharp and detailed visual image. 4K w...

Security in the cloud...and beyond cameras and doors

Time will tell regarding how fast public cloud applications will be fully adopted in the security space Sureview 2014/2015 Review and Forecast: The continued movement to “cloud” or “distributed” applications will further impact how security manufacturers and integrators market and position their solutions and offerings. To the traditional security organisation, this brings an entirely new go-to-market and pricing strategy as well as a completely diffe...

Growing confidence in security industry as business leaders look to 2015

The SIA Security Market Index rose to 74.6 in November 2014, up from 72.3 in September SIA 2014/2014 Review and Forecast: The Security Industry Association (SIA) has begun to conduct a bimonthly survey of select SIA members to measure confidence in the security industry through the SIA Security Market Index. Using a scale of 1-100, the SIA Security Market Index reflected growing confidence among security industry business leaders throughout 2014 and into 2015. The SIA Securi...

Making a long-term investment in security

Over the next year end users will push to get more value out of their investments  Frontier 2014/2015 Review and Forecast: One of the big trends we see playing out over the next year is a push to get more value out of the investments that end users make in their solutions. Certainly the solutions must meet the core needs of customers, but more focus is being applied towards how those solutions can improve processes, increase efficiency and provide better visibility of th...

Security industry competitive focus to shift to software and solutions

Companies will resort to cooperation in a mutually beneficial and complementary way Dahua 2014/2015 Review and Forecast:The global economy is in recovery, and China’s domestic market keeps its strong momentum. Politically, the terrorist attacks and uncertain factors still exist; and with years of market cultivation, people’s safety awareness continues to grow. Important trends include the popularisation of HD, intelligence, integration and the increasing impac...

The changing economics of security installation

Integration of wireless and edge technology will continue to change the economics of installation 2014/2015 D/A Central review and forecast: As a security systems integrator, we are seeing some improvement in the industrial sector. It appears that projects that were deferred during the recession are now getting funded. Healthcare continues to have complex needs with continuing consolidation, which then creates opportunity. One question that remains is military spending a...

Interoperability is the linchpin of system success for security industry

There are signs of a change in the electronic access control industry in favor of systems based on interoperability as proposed by ONVIF ONVIF 2014/2015 Review & Forecast: The year ahead certainly looks to be an important one. Interoperability, data security and ease of installation will all be of concern to the physical security industry. We see an increased awareness for interoperability among the end users in the industry, which in turns reflects back on the need f...

Competitive security market wants total solutions instead of products

With the entry of more manufacturers and mergers and acquisitions in the security industry, the competition is undoubtedly getting fiercer VIVOTEK 2014/2015 Review and Forecast: Total solutions have become more important than individual products in the industry. Security brands are starting to turn themselves into solution providers instead of product manufacturers. Moreover, with technology advancement, the adoption of intelligent video content analysis is on the rise. I...

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