Expert commentary

Power supplies: critical component of security solution effectiveness

Security integrators prefer to standardizetheir choices of system components such as power supplies using security manufacturers they are familiar with Power supplies may be inconspicuous and literally out-of-sight; however, they play a critical role in the effective functioning of security solutions.  Selecting and using the right power supply is an important aspect of ensuring that the installed security system delivers the desired outcome and of course, a good ROI. In...

Debunking megapixel camera cost myths

End users should consider the cost of anentire surveillance system rather than the cost of a single megapixel camera There is a misconception in the security industry that megapixel cameras are more expensive than conventional surveillance cameras. However, to understand real value, it's important to focus not on the price of a single camera but on the overall surveillance system cost. Looking at the cost holistically and contrasting it with the benefits will clearly demonstra...

Video systems: delivering value to enterprise business intelligence

If you think of video surveillance as an instrument of the security department, you risk overlooking the broader benefits of video. The fact is, video is much more than a security tool, it is a business intelligence (BI) tool. In this article, Gadi Piran President of OnSSI discusses how video systems can be used as an effective BI tool in a range of different vertical markets. The advances in video management systems that include cutting-edge video analytics present a huge opp...

CFATS – latest standard in vogue amongst US chemical facilities

As per DHS, Tier 1 facilities will go through a preliminary round of site inspections called pre-authorisation inspections (PAI) In October 2006, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2007 became law in the US. Section 550 of the Act ordered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to “...issue interim final regulations establishing risk-based performance standards for security of chemical facilities and requiring security vulnerability assessments a...

Security system implementation: "bleeding edge" versus leading edge security technologies

The choice of the right security technology is one of the primary considerations for implementation or upgrade of a video surveillance system or other security system. Industry professionals making this critical decision often have to choose between a ‘bleeding edge’ technology, i.e. one that is in its infancy but offers great potential, and a leading edge proven technology. In this article, Stephen Malia - Vice President of Engineering Services and Marketing at North A...

Security management system’s usability key to easy adoption

The usability revolution that took place several years ago on the consumer market is breaking into the field of security management. Wouter Kersteman, Interaction Designer at Nedap, explains in this article that intuitive user interfaces with attractive apps and widgets - similar to those found on modern mobile phones and tablets - are the standard of the future; usability is the latest buzzword and may even be a pre-requisite for security management systems.   Rec...

Security software for identity management – A flexible, scalable and secure approach to manage enterprise risk

Software can combine information from various systems to create a single identity across the organisation In today's enterprise business environment, the best approach to managing risk for a known scenario is to both prepare for it and guard against it.  Effective security management necessitates credible real-time information about risk and the ability to respond to that information in a timely manner. However, that information is often not available in real-time or ma...

Four tips to buy the right integrated security solution

An integrated security system needs to fulfil user's security objectives and needs To meet a user’s specific needs, a truly integrated security solution must include video surveillance and other security systems on a single platform. Although this is a high criteria for any system designer to meet, it is now becoming increasingly possible. Integration solutions require a commitment and expertise on the part of systems integrators as well as security product manufacturers...

Lighting challenges in video surveillance in retail, financial and hospitality sectors

Ambient lighting in hospitality environments pose major challenges for video surveillance Variable lighting conditions pose a persistent challenge in video surveillance applications such as large retail locations, banks and financial institutions, and hospitality environments.Challenges to lighting quality Typically, retail locations, banks and hospitality venues include an abundance of windows. The resulting excessive light can damage video image quality, by flooding the ima...

New Norbain’s differential treatment of manufacturer creditors

New Norbain paying "compensation" to a select number of creditors Following the Administration and pre-pack sale of Norbain, it is now apparent that the new company (also called “Norbain”) has been paying “compensation” to some suppliers for the debts owed by the old company.  However, it is cherry picking which suppliers it chooses to compensate – some have received a significant proportion of their debt with old Norbain, while others have...

Power supply requirements and options for access control systems

The power supply is the key driving force for access control systems Power plays a crucial role in the effective functioning of any access control system and the choice of the right power system to suit specific requirements is important. In this article, Ronnie Pennington, National Accounts Manager of Altronix Corporation explains various ways to determine and meet the power requirements for access control systems. Usually, an access control system itself acts as the main so...

Norbain goes bust?

The lights are turned out at Norbain - momentarily The mysterious demise of UK distributor NorbainOn Monday 2 July Norbain issued a cryptic press release.  Apparently, “the UK business and assets of Norbain” – the largest distributor in the UK – have been sold to Newbury Investments (UK) Limited by “the Administrators, KPMG”.  Norbain In Administration – this is news to the security industry! Administrators are typically ap...

Casino surveillance integration adapts to a new scale

The changes to the economic climate over the past few years have affected the construction industry as a whole, and the booming casino industry was naturally affected as well. While there are still new casinos being built, overall the scale of construction does not approach the mega-casinos that have dominated the industry for the previous twenty years. Many of the new builds today are smaller casinos with different budgets and requirements of past projects. In addition, existing c...

Using CCTV security systems to deal with rising rural crime

Innovative surveillance technology, relaxation in UK Data Protection Laws and shared resources are key to curb rural crimes The significant rise in crime in rural areas in recent times in the UK has led to growing calls from security and crime prevention experts for government to make it easier for communities and law enforcement to fight back. “In our areas, every farm within a 5 mile radius has had trespass, some kind of theft of property, plant or livestock in the las...

IP technologies fuel global expansion and standardisation of security systems

Networking is a powerful way to effectively converge and integrate security In an ever-changing world, business organisations require efficient security partners in order to focus their expansion towards growing economies. This physical expansion leads to a need for expanded and enhanced security programs to protect a growing network of people and facilities. In this article, Renae Leary, Senior Director, Global Accounts, at ADT Worldwide, provides an insight into cost-effecti...

Benefits of a modern access control system go beyond security

An access control system can be an excellent and an invaluable tool for enhancing business efficiency The picture that comes into most people’s minds when thinking about access control systems is someone offering a badge up to a card reader to unlock a door or release a barrier so that they can get into or out of a building. And, of course, this is a primary function for most installations. The capabilities of modern access control systems extend far beyond simply contro...

Understanding fibre optic transmission in video surveillance

Fibre optic technology offers the most efficient means of transmitting video in the digital environment In Part II of this article on the role of fibre optic transmission in network IP video surveillance systems Jack Fernandes, President and CEO of American Fibertek takes a deeper look at the critical needs of a reliable transmission system in the evolving age of digitalization. There is no doubt that fibre optics will play an even bigger role in modern security...

Powering network IP video surveillance systems with fibre optic transmission

Fibre optic transmission has played a crucial role in the rise of IP video surveillance The advances in video surveillance technology have seen the increased adoption of network IP products over analogue systems. A key constant to this shift has been the critical need for reliable transmission of video signal. As the transition to network IP video continues, the need for the widely used coaxial cable is wavering in favour of Cat-5/ UTP cable and high-speed Ethernet connections...

Security consultants get tech-savvy, redefine role

The intertwining of security and IT is requiring consultants to redefine their role Security consultants have traditionally operated inconspicuously while providing quality, independent advice to customers around their security requirements. However, the relentless intertwining of IT and security in the form of IP technology has required consultants to adapt, and consequently redefine their role within the space. In this article Daniel Wan, Channel Marketing Leader UK at Honey...

Automated key control and management systems boost electronic access control

  An automated key control system bridges the gap between mechanical and electronic access control systems The vast array of doors, entrances and restricted areas securing semi-public locales are increasingly demanding the need for effective and easy access control management. In this article, Fernando Pires, VP Sales and Marketing at Morse Watchmans, highlights the effectiveness and convenience offered by automated key control systems that have narrowed the gap...

Intelligent security components pave the second wave of convergence

   Network-enabled "intelligent" security components increasingly have better computational and memory capacity The use of Internet Protocol (IP), or networking, is commonly associated with convergence. In this article, Markus Lahtinen of Lund University's LUSAX project, contends that the shift to network-enabled "intelligent" security components which increasingly have better computational and memory capacity has a significant impact on the present and future dy...

Open standards in physical access control gain momentum as ONVIF adoption grows

 The outlook of the access control is bright despite economic downturn Belying the tough economic environment in which it is operating globally, the security industry is apparently ‘weathering the storm' quite well. Despite some expected adverse impact of the economic downturn, overall the security industry has been relatively immune and resilient compared to some other sectors. This could well be because of the growth in unemployment and higher crime rates necessi...

Fibre optic transmission in security and surveillance solutions

  Fibre optics enhances the operation and business bottom line of surveillance solutions Designers and end users of security systems, integrators and installers must consider and balance the functionality required of a video surveillance camera with its methods of transmission. This is the first of a 3-part examination by Mark Wilson, Marketing Vice President of Infinova, of how chief security officers (CSOs), directors and managers can understand the benefits of and...

True open platform IP video: the distinguishing characteristics

  Acquiring a true open platform surveillance software requires an informed decision Research reports pertaining to the IP video surveillance market repeatedly talk up the trend of "Open Platform". Keeping with that trend, it seems that every manufacturer is claiming its offerings to be IP-based and Open Platform. In the security industry these days, it has become almost embarrassing for a company to admit having a proprietary (single vendor) solution - there seems to be a...

Differentiating High-Definition and megapixel camera resolution

  No more confusion: high definition and megapixel resolution explained  The growing popularity of IP-based video systems in the video surveillance market provides the ability to capture high-resolution images through megapixel video. The use of HDTV standards in the consumer video market is becoming more prevalent. The images produced by this new generation of surveillance cameras are often collectively referred to as high-definition (HD) or as megapixel images. Sin...

Identity management with virtual credentials - adding a new dimension to the access control industry

 Use of virtual credentials to manage identity is opening the access control industry to new solutionsToday's mobile phones are so much more than communication devices - they have become an indispensable consumer appliance for numerous personal, professional and entertainment applications. With the advent of Near Field Communications (NFC) technology, these mobile phones can now also be used to hold your identity keys and used to carry out numerous secure transactions, Dr. Tam Hulusi,...

Choosing the right power supplies for security installations

 Selecting the optimum power supply for a system is critical to an installation  When it comes to selecting power supplies, knowledge is power. Determining the power requirements of every systems product, taking into account their integration with one another is critical to ensure that you are selecting and installing the power solutions most appropriate for your installation. Such information will enable you to select the power supplies that will be required to keep your security sys...

Improving airport security effectiveness - key solutions

 Dealing with rising airport security threats  demand more innovative solutions   With the rise in large security threats since the commencement of this century, security of airports has become paramount. Looking into this issue Ashley Smith, BSIA (British Security industry Association) Civil Aviation Security Section Chairman, explains how a mix of properly interfaced security systems working in conjunction with monitoring and response staff offers a cost...

Design tips to migrate from analogue to high definition surveillance

 Migrating from analogue to HD surveillance solutions  Globally, the video surveillance market has been slow to move beyond its analogue origins. Many analogue technologies or first generation network video management systems installed in the last decade are now aging, becoming less reliable and unable to deliver the quality and coverage most security professionals demand. Increasing video quality using these older solutions requires an unmanageably large number of...

Understanding transform, quantisation and entropy encoding in H.264 video compression

Understanding the complexities of the transform matrix In the concluding part of this 3-part review of the H.264 video compression standard, Kate Huber, Peter de Konink and Piet Nieuwets of Siqura discuss the transform, quantisation and entropy encoding - various block-encoding steps following motion estimation. Describing data in the transform matrix In contrast to the motion estimation step, the transform phase in the encoding process is relatively similar in H.2...

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