New Product Profile and Product, Technology Areas

The guidelines below are suggested guidelines for advertisers to provide material that is already formatted in the "house style". reserves the right to moderate and change copy if required.  It is imperative that all copy needs to be relatively descriptive, objective and informative.

Please note: maximum acceptable length is number of characters not letters.  Spaces count as characters.

You will be sent a proof of your editorial profile to approve prior to New Product Profile / eNewsletter issue date.

Information requirements:

Product profile title (appears in eNewsletter and on website): Maximum of 45 characters
eNewsletter sound bite (appears in eNewsletter): Maximum of 42 characters, usually an overview of the product profile (to stimulate interest).
Datasheet (appears on website): Please attach the product datasheet as a PDF for downloading.
Product profile content (appears on website): We recommend that copy be at least 500 characters. Please note that you can send any type of security product to feature in the New Product Showcase and the eNewsletter.

Please also send us the following:

Images (appear on website): Please attach maximum of 5 images (depending on the length of copy) in 500x500 px at 72-300dpi in .JPG.  The main image will appear in the product profile and throughout the website. Additional images will be displayed as thumbnails in the product profile, which will be enlarged when a user clicks on them.

Video YouTube URL (optional): You may include a video with your product listing. Please let us know the YouTube URL so this can be embedded.

Company logo (appears in eNewsletter and on website):
Highest possible resolution, .JPG, 400x400 px, max. 20 KB New Product Profile - Technical Specifications