IANS Information Security Forum Philadelphia 2024

  • Type: Conferences / seminars
  • 21 May 2024
  • Pennsylvania, United States of America (USA)
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 018956, United States of America (USA)
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Event Overview:

IANS Information Security Forum Philadelphia 2024

IANS Forum content is geared toward the entire security function. Attendees include but are not limited to CISOs, VPs and Managing Directors of Information Security, Information Security Architects, and Information Security Engineers. 

Engage with IANS Faculty members and network with peers who are tackling similar challenges. IANS Forum content is geared toward the entire security function.

Visitor Demographics:

  • Visitor Origin:
  • United States of America (USA)

Event organiser:

  • Organiser:
  • Cycognito
  • Address:
  • 530 Lytton Avenue 2nd floor #2024, Palo Alto, California, United States of America (USA)

Upcoming events in United States of America (USA)