Cyber Security in Financial Services Summit 2024

  • Type: Conferences / seminars
  • 16 Sep 2024
  • London, United Kingdom (UK)
  • Hallam Conference Centre, Cavendish Venues, 44 Hallam Street, London, W1W 6JJ, United Kingdom (UK)
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Event Overview:

Cyber Security in Financial Services Summit 2024

City & Financial Global is pleased to announce the 10th edition of its annual Cyber Security in Financial Services Summit event taking place on 16th September 2024. The purpose of the Summit is to look at the cyber risks, wherever they originate, which pose a threat to London and the financial services community and will provide a forum for Government bodies, regulators, law enforcers and financial institutions to examine the latest threats and how to combat them.
It will also look at the Government’s cyber strategy, the current and future priorities of the National Cyber Security Centre, the NCA’s response to the evolving nature of the cyber threat and the Bank of England’s stance on cyber resilience in the financial sector. 

Visitor Demographics:

  • Visitor Origin:
  • United Kingdom (UK)
  • Visitor demographic:
    • The current priorities of the National Cyber Security Centre
    • The FCA’s regulatory focus on cyber security and resilience
    • Bank of England update on cyber resilience in the financial sector
    • The practical implications of using AI and quantum computing as

Event organiser:

  • Organiser:
  • City & Financial Global Ltd
  • Address:
  • 85 Gresham Street, London, United Kingdom (UK)

Upcoming events in United Kingdom (UK)