Hikvision's People Counting technology helps in calculating visitors at EILONG stores

EILONG teaware store needed a system that calculates how many people enter the store, how many of them made a purchase, is the customer a man or woman and how old are they?
Hikvision provided the store with the People Counting technology that helped the owner calculate the number of visitors everyday, observe the gender distribution of visitors, aided by facial recognition.
Hikvision system has a very helpful feature, which is to calculate the number of visitors with the checkout number via POS (point of sale) to report a turnover rate. This helps the store in determining the monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual results of the number of people visiting the store and increase in the turnover rate.
With Hikvision’s Heat Map system, one can easily understand which product, area, and display attracts consumers the most. This way, the owner can determine which part of the store is less popular and optimise it accordingly.
Hikvision’s integrated security solutions and AI products, which includes facial recognition, overall visitor statistics, Fisheye camera, and POS NVRs achieved functions like traffic statistics, user portrait, and intelligent analysis of other related functions.
The solutions have been deployed in all the EILONG’s stores across Taiwan and have improved the operating efficiency and revenue in all of them.
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