Exhibition and conference organising media in United Kingdom (UK) (8 found)

avanTARGET specialises in business development and marketing communications, launching companies in Europe, focused on immediate revenue and medium term growth, establishing business contacts and entering new segments in new geographical territories.

Defence IQ is an authoritative news source for high quality and exclusive commentary and analysis on global defence and military-related topics. Since being created in 2009, Defence IQ's online community has rapidly grown to over 100,000 defence professionals. Sourcing interviews and insights directly from senior military professionals, Defence IQ is a unique multimedia platform to learn about the latest developments within the defence sector.

Inspiring the future for more than 40 years. O’Reilly shares the knowledge and teaches the skills people need to change their world. For more than 40 years, O’Reilly has imparted the world-shaping ideas of innovators through books, articles, conferences, and our online learning platform. When individuals, teams, and entire enterprises connect with the world's pioneering experts and content providers, anything is possible.

UBM plc is a leading global business media company. UBM informs markets and brings the world’s buyers and sellers together at events, online, in print and provides them with the information they need to do business successfully. They also focus on serving professional commercial communities, from doctors to game developers, from journalists to jewellery traders, from farmers to pharmacists around the world.

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