ONVIF®, the global standardisation initiative for IP-based physical security products, is announcing the ONVIF Open Source Spotlight Challenge, a technology competition to develop open source applications for innovative IP video streaming applications to help resolve global security issues.

The two-month online challenge, offered in conjunction with BeMyApp, offers lucrative cash prizes for developers who use the protocol provided by ONVIF to create open source mobile or desktop applications for advanced video streaming that provides easy and secure authentication from all platforms.

Developers will connect to online prototype cameras with Profile T functionality from Axis Communications, Bosch Security and Safety Systems, Dahua Technology, Hikvision and Uniview for the challenge.

Participants will learn how to create an application using C# on Windows, iOS on Apple, Java on Android or JavaScript in the browser

Exploring physical security solutions

As the need for interoperability grows in significance in other industries, it’s more important than ever to seek out innovative physical security solutions to make sure we’re offering that interoperability with the highest levels of efficiency, security and reliability,” said Per Björkdahl, Chairman of the ONVIF Steering Committee. “We’re excited to see what inventive ideas are offered from the greater technology community.

Using a series of video tutorials, participants will learn how to create an application using C# on Windows, iOS on Apple, Java on Android or JavaScript in the browser that connects to an IP camera. Once a developer submits a mobile or desktop app with an innovative security solution, they can earn instant rewards, as well as the opportunity to compete for major cash prizes from a $20,000 prize pool.

Judging will be based on innovation, viability of implementation, functionality and whether the app is easy to navigate and use. The competition is open for participants on March 26 and closes June 3, with winners also announced in late June.

ONVIF has a global member base of established camera, video management system and access control companies

Interoperability for IP-based security products

Founded in 2008, ONVIF is a leading and well-recognised industry forum driving interoperability for IP-based physical security products. The organisation has a global member base of established camera, video management system and access control companies and more than 9,000 Profile conformant products.

With Profile S for streaming video; Profile G for recording and storage; Profile C for physical access control; Profile Q for improved out-of-the-box functionality, Profile A for broader access control configuration and the new Profile T Release Candidate for advanced streaming, ONVIF continues to work with its members to expand the number of IP interoperability solutions ONVIF conformant products can provide.

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