Cable installers in Birmingham (4 found)

Excel is driven by a team of industry experts, ensuring the latest innovation and manufacturing capabilities are implemented to surpass industry standards for quality and performance, technical compliance and ease of installation and use. Excel is able to deliver this mix through a growing base of distributors and integrators across the region, which combine to make the brand an increasingly viable option.

Industrial Security and Communication Systems Ltd.(Indsecom) is a multinational engineering company head quartered in the United Kingdom. Indsecom provide security and communication requirements for oil, gas and petrochemical industries.

Industrial Security and Communication Systems Ltd.(Indsecom) is a multinational integrator and product distributor headquartered in the United Kingdom. Indsecom provide security and communication requirements for oil, gas and petrochemical industries. Mainly serving clients at Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, UK and African Countries

Industrial Security and Communication Systems Ltd.(Indsecom) is a multinational engineering company headquartered in the UK. Indsecom provide security and communication requirements for oil, gas and petrochemical industries. Theirr dedicated engineers in project and product divisions provide the perfect solution for highly complicated engineering requirements quickly and efficiently.

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