Vicon DTK-RM16C5 16-channel rack-mount gigabit ethernet surge protector

Technical Specification

  • Make: Vicon
  • Model code: DTK-RM16C5
  • Accessories: Voltage surge protector
Additional info:

Vicon DTK-RM16C5 is a 16-channel rack-mount gigabit ethernet surge protector that features individually replaceable surge protection modules for each data cheannel. It features single point ground that improves protection and speeds installation. It reduces network equipment downtime and failure from volatge surges.

Make Vicon
Manufacturer Vicon Industries
Model code DTK-RM16C5
Accessories Voltage surge protector
Additional info Vicon DTK-RM16C5 is a 16-channel rack-mount gigabit ethernet surge protector that features individually replaceable surge protection modules for each data cheannel. It features single point ground that improves protection and speeds installation. It reduces network equipment downtime and failure from volatge surges.

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