Vanderbilt GM560/565/570 Intruder detector

Technical Specification

  • Make: Vanderbilt
  • Model code: GM560/565/570
  • Power Consumption: 5
  • Accessories: Seismic detector
  • Power Supply: 7 ~ 16
Additional info:

One detector for all applications. Around-the-clock monitoring of safes, night deposits and automatic cash dispenser. SENSTEC sensor and micro-controller-based signal processing system. Continuous surveillance of sensor and electronic circuit. Recognises attacks on safes, cash dispenser, night deposits and strong rooms, as well as attacks with explosives or attempted entry using modern tools such as diamond-tipped drills, mechanical and hydraulic pressure tools, flame cutters, thermal-lancers or water jet.

Make Vanderbilt
Manufacturer Vanderbilt Industries
Model code GM560/565/570
Power Consumption 5
Accessories Seismic detector
Electrical Specifications Power Supply: 7 ~ 16
Physical Specifications Dimensions mm: 89 x 89 x 39.5
Environmental Specifications Operating Temp oC: -20 ~ +60
Additional info One detector for all applications. Around-the-clock monitoring of safes, night deposits and automatic cash dispenser. SENSTEC sensor and micro-controller-based signal processing system. Continuous surveillance of sensor and electronic circuit. Recognises attacks on safes, cash dispenser, night deposits and strong rooms, as well as attacks with explosives or attempted entry using modern tools such as diamond-tipped drills, mechanical and hydraulic pressure tools, flame cutters, thermal-lancers or water jet.

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