31 Jul 2024

ZeroEyes, the creators of the only AI-based gun detection video analytics platform that holds the US Department of Homeland Security Safety Act Designation, and California’s San Marino Unified School District (SMUSD) announced the successful first year of their collaboration to protect school faculty, students and volunteers with ZeroEyes’ AI-based gun detection and intelligent situational awareness solution.

Working to coordinate with and educate responding law enforcement agencies, the company and district will co-host a Training & Enablement event on Friday, August 30. In this session, they will educate local schools and law enforcement on the active shooter landscape and demonstrate ZeroEyes’ ability to improve safety, accelerate first response, and mitigate gun-related incidents. The session will take place at the San Marino USD Building at 1665 West Drive in San Marino.

Multi-layered security approach

The district implemented ZeroEyes into its multi-layered security approach last year

Located in a small suburban residential community northeast of Los Angeles and encompassing approximately four square miles, SMUSD operates two elementary schools (K.L. Carver Elementary School, W.L. Valentine Elementary School), one middle school (H.E. Huntington Middle School), and one high school (San Marino High School). The district implemented ZeroEyes into its multi-layered security approach last year.

"As an active district, our schools host various activities beyond regular school hours, resulting in numerous visitors on campus," said Dr. Stephen Choi, Chief Business Official at San Marino Unified School District. "We prioritise safety by staying well-informed, and ZeroEyes ensures that we will receive rapid, crucial information in the event of a gun-related threat. We have been very pleased with its deployment at San Marino."

Successful ZeroEyes deployment

Training & Enablement event will feature academic protests and discussion sessions focused on trends

As part of the district's comprehensive safety plan, the Training & Enablement event will feature educational demonstrations and discussion sessions focused on trends, technologies, and developments that address gun-related violence in schools, including reflections from district pioneers on their successful ZeroEyes deployment. The event is open to local schools, law enforcement, and media.

ZeroEyes' AI gun detection and intelligent situational awareness software layers onto existing digital security cameras. If a gun is identified, images are instantly shared with the ZeroEyes Operations Centre (ZOC), the industry’s only U.S.-based, fully in-house operation centre, which is staffed 24/7/365 by specially trained military and law enforcement veterans. 

Dedication to safety and security

If these experts determine that the threat is valid, they dispatch alerts and actionable intelligence — including visual description, gun type, and last known location — to local law enforcement and school staff as quickly as three to five seconds from detection.

San Marino Unified School District’s 24/7 dedication to safety and security is commendable,” said Mike Lahiff, CEO and co-founder of ZeroEyes. "We are proud to continue serving as an essential part of their multi-layered security plan."