4 Sep 2024

Wireless access control company, CellGate, has just announced a full family of digital Virtual Key options for Watchman® W480, W482, W461, W462, WXL and WXL2 multi-family models.

CellGate’s Virtual Keys are QR Code or Pin Code keys that can be issued to visitors of a multi-family property. The property administrator can determine if they are the only ones that can issue Virtual Keys, or if their residents can issue them- and even which type of Virtual Keys they may issue.

CellGate’s Virtual Key types

  • Individual Keys: These are shared with only one visitor & provide recurring and restricted access to a property.  They are issued as a QR Code and refreshed after each use, thus eliminating screenshot sharing and increasing security. Individual Keys can be limited by day, time, or even number of uses, and well as have restrictions on which entry point(s) they will open. They are ideal for visitors who need recurring access like dog walkers, landscapers, pool cleaners, and regular babysitters. Individual Keys can be stored in a smartphone’s electronic wallet or calendar for easy access.
  • Temporary Event Keys: These can be shared with multiple visitors & provide access for between 1-hour and up to 7 days, unrestricted. This means they are valid for the entire time window allotted. They can be issued as a QR code or PIN code. Temporary Event Keys are ideal for one-time events like parties, movers or short-term guests. These keys are accessed on the invitation link sent to the visitor’s phone by the administrator or resident.
  • Single Use Keys: These can be issued to visitors who need quick, one-time-only access. They are also provided as either a QR Code or a PIN Code. Single-use keys are ideal for one-time needs like food deliveries, service technicians or real estate showings.

Benefits of Virtual Keys

Virtual Keys can be created by property managers via CellGate’s administrative engine

CellGate’s family of Virtual Keys provides a multitude of multi-family property management and resident benefits including eliminating QR Code screenshot sharing and pin code sharing, enhancing visitor management and adding a greater layer of security. 

Virtual Keys can be created by property managers via CellGate’s administrative engine, TrueCloud Connect or via the CellGate app.

TrueCloud Connect

Residents can issue Virtual Keys via the CellGate app only. TrueCloud Connect logs data on who created each Virtual Key and when, and each usage attempt made with a Virtual Key, including a picture of the visitor utilising it. 

This level of administrative detail allows properties to address any property access issue immediately with clear information on what happened where, by whom and at what time. 

Virtual Key functionality

Virtual Key functionality is being received by its distributor and dealer network partners

CellGate Founder and President, Noel Gouldin, is thrilled to see how Virtual Key functionality is being received by its distributor and dealer network partners, as well as by the multi-family properties now beginning to use it. “Multi-family property owners and managers face many challenges in keeping a property running smoothly while maintaining high resident satisfaction,” said Gouldin.

Virtual Keys solve so many potential problems for them – including a simple user experience, having clear, actionable data on who is using them and when, and enhanced property security.” 

Watchman multi-family models

Gouldin added: “Residents are happier because they don’t have to hassle with getting physical keys or fobs for their visitors, and don’t need property management help to arrange temporary access for someone."

"Property managers can give their residents these tools and simply monitor how they are used – including revoking credentials quickly, if necessary.” Both new and existing Watchman multi-family models now have the ability to turn on Virtual Key functionality via TrueCloud Connect.