20 Apr 2022

Vigitron, Inc., the globally renowned provider of network solutions for security applications, has announced the expansion of its fibre products and the introduction of their ‘Focus on fiber’ programme.

This programme expands the fibre products to address all aspects of networking using fibre from SFPs to fibre media converters and network core switches.

‘Focus on fiber’ programme

Neil Heller, the Vice President (VP) of Business Development at Vigitron, Inc., said “As the camera requirements for bandwidth and packet handling increases, the demand for fibre increases.”

Neil Heller adds, “More camera manufacturers are increasing their port bandwidth from 100 Mbps to 1000 Mbps, with the need to transmit over distances greater than standard Ethernet distance limit. The increase in port bandwidth also requires that network backbones increase from 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps) to 10 Gbps. fibre is the answer to these new transmission requirements.