8 Apr 2021

With a mission to recognise faces of the people entering/exiting premises of the Government Institution in Indonesia, and analyse their attributes in real-time, the authority needed an extremely robust and ‘highly secured’ facial recognition system.

Due to heavy footfall at the premise, it was difficult for staff to manually record information of visiting people and verify their identity on a daily basis. Sometimes, they faced challenge in verifying them due to changes in appearance or features of the visitors.

Videonetics MeraFace

Videonetics MeraFace, the advanced facial recognition software was selected after a thorough technical evaluation

Videonetics MeraFace, the advanced facial recognition software was selected after a thorough technical evaluation by the partner, as well as government decision-makers. The software was selected for its highest accuracy in recognising and detecting faces in varied lighting conditions, thereby providing additional attributes of gender, age and emotions, and comprehensive statistical reporting.

Operating 24x7 for 365 days, on one of the busiest premises, with a heavy footfall of VIPs, citizens, media, and government officials, Videonetics MeraFace was deployed at strategic locations with high human traffic flows, including entry and exit points, and lift lobby area of the institution.

Key features of Videonetics MeraFace include:

    • Video streams from IP cameras are processed at MeraFace to detect faces in real-time and operators find a probable match with the registered faces. In case, any face that is not registered but has been captured and stored in the system can also be found anytime.
  • Operators have been keeping records of registered faces and attributes of the person’s face for future search and investigation.
  • Powered by AI & Deep Learning framework, MeraFace analyses and delivers more information, such as gender, age, emotion, eventually helpful for officials to make accurate visitors’ analysis.
  • Now, operators can identify and classify VIP, suspected, blacklisted people in real-time with easy clicks and send the instant notification to the staff, for any swift action.
  • At the time of any suspicious activity, operators can quickly investigate a person’s face in the given videos or collection of face images. Moreover, this feature has been phenomenally successful as an investigation tool, for conducting post-incident analysis.

Scalable facial recognition system

Videonetics MeraFace has proven to be a reliable and scalable system for the government authority, by delivering fast and highly accurate results. With the system, the security staff can recognise and detect faces in real-time. Furthermore, MeraFace has helped in appointing a smaller number of security guards around the entrance or exit of the premise, thanks to an automated facial recognition system of identifying and validating information. The risk of human errors in face matching has also been eliminated.

Videonetics has not only delivered a perfect facial recognition solution, but also delivered on its reputation of providing outstanding training and support, to us and customer. Our customer has invested in the future-proof technology that has the ability to grow with their needs,” stated Alfred Bisuk, Technical Manager, Lamjaya Inovasi Komputindo.