23 Jul 2020

Vanderbilt has recently been welcomed as the latest member of Euralarm, joining the security section of the board.

Euralarm’s security section

This section represents the intrusion, access, and video sector and is a key stakeholder in organisations such as CertAlarm, CEN-CENELEC, IEC, and the European Commission.

As the newest member of Euralarm, Vanderbilt looks forward to working with a diverse number of stakeholders across the European continent. We are particularly looking forward to playing our part in working together to solve the current and future challenges faced by the security industry,” commented Ross Wilks, Head of Marketing Communications at Vanderbilt.

Monitoring of legislative and standardisation issues

As a member of Euralarm, Vanderbilt will benefit from Euralarm’s representation towards European institutions and standardisation organisations. This includes the monitoring of legislative and standardisation issues relevant to the industry.

Vanderbilt will also have access to the extended network of national associations and major companies in the electronic fire safety and security sectors, which form Euralarm’s members.

Our Euralarm membership will provide us with additional invaluable insight into what is happening in the European markets and the opportunities that this might offer,” concludes Wilks.