2 Nov 2020

Vanderbilt Industries US has utilised the company’s engineering expertise to create efficient and effective Recurring-Monthly-Revenue (RMR) security solutions.

RMR security solutions

RMR results in systems that are as simple to fit as they are to use. Not only are these systems easy to specify and secure to setup in moments, but they also guarantee a recurring monthly revenue stream.

Below are some of the most standard frequently asked questions regarding Recurring-Monthly-Revenue (RMR).

  • How straightforward are RMR systems to setup?

Compared with lengthy, complicated, and sometimes extensive setup and configuration periods for some on-premise applications, typically, the setup of a cloud-based solution via any web browser is as simple as the purchase transaction itself.

  • What level of functionality do RMR products contain?

Installers no longer have to request software and firmware updates from Vanderbilt and then physically visit the end-user to update the system. Instead, with cloud solutions, the end customer remains on the latest version.

This means there is no longer a risk of updates going bad, having bugs, or being done incorrectly. This translates directly to a value to installers as well, as this service is still relevant to maintenance contracts, but will require zero effort.

  • How future-proof are RMR solutions?

Due to RMR systems’ automatic updates, installers will always be working on the most up-to-date version of the product. Additionally, all of the installer’s customers will have the same software. This delivers a value-add around efficiency. When providing technical support, installers will only be dealing with one single software platform.

  • What level of support is available when deploying RMR options?

RMR helps to maintain high service levels and proactively monitor service issues for the end-user

RMR helps to maintain high service levels and proactively monitor service issues for the end-user. This predicts the possibility of a likely service event. Online services help users solve system problems online by providing real-time support without going to the site.

Through service call planning, an installer can see service issues and prepare a technician with the right parts in advance of the visit. Also, installers can organise service calls into efficient locales so the technician will not be travelling great distances.

  • What are the benefits of RMR systems for end-users?

Less IT infrastructure requirements reduce the reliance on overworked IT departments. With RMR systems, the on-site hardware service is eliminated. This eliminates the user having server issues, and spending massive amounts of time searching for a resolution.

Moreover, for the end-user, RMR systems typically deliver a lower cost of ownership over time due to lower service costs, lower hardware maintenance costs, and the ease of use of the product.