1 Oct 2021

The cloud-based access control and video management system was recently installed at the city’s marina where it has integrated with their booking system, Harba.

Harba booking system

There are 750 members with boats in the Vejle marina, and through the Harba booking system; they are issued a 6-digit personal PIN code or a tag. With this PIN code, they can then access and use the facilities of the marina, such as the toilets, showers, laundry rooms, and kitchen.

The PIN is inputted into the ACT365 reader at each entry point of the marina facilities. All services are then automatically billed every month via the Harba booking system. This access control booking strategy ensures that the marina’s facilities are kept free for member use only.

Access control readers

ACT365 has a modern and user-friendly design and a limitless number of users

ACT365’s readers were well-suited to this installation because they are made of a robust polycarbonate housing and are suitable for both indoor and outdoor mounting. The reader controls a single door and uses a voltage-free relay contact. ACT365 has a modern and user-friendly design and a limitless number of users. Both RFID tags and smartphone access availability.

Self-service terminal

For non-member boaters who are visiting the Vejle marina, a self-service terminal, the Harba Kiosk, is also available to use. This self-service terminal allows non-members to use their credit cards to pay for the use of the marina facilities.

Similar to the Harba app for members, non-members will receive a PIN code from the Harba kiosk via email or SMS which they can then input into the ACT365 readers.