3 Feb 2021

Userful Corporation, the provider of the software-defined AV-over-IP platform for the enterprise, announced seven (7) new product offerings that will be released throughout the first quarter (Q1) of 2021 to support IT teams executing digital transformation projects.

Userful’s Visual Networking Platform enables centralised management and control of an enterprise’s visual applications and AV services over its network. These new product offerings extend the reach of the platform enabling corporate IT departments to stream any operational content to any user, screen, display, and device across the enterprise, including remote workers. 

Enterprise-wide engagement

According to John Marshal, Userful’s CEO, “The workplace is evolving and transforming. Userful is addressing the new needs of the digital workplace by augmenting employee and customer engagement with its platform. Userful is providing organisations with the right tools for a successful operational transformation, either as an agile design partner at the front-end or afterward in support of enhanced engagement.”

“Analysts at Gartner have said, again and again, you can’t have digital transformation without quality engagement tools. The digital workplace requires an intuitive and engaging work environment, and an engaging work environment means a visual work environment. Userful’s platform is now empowering IT teams to deliver that visual environment enterprise-wide.”

Userful’s New Offerings

1) Borderless operations:  Secure enterprise streaming 

Userful’s new streaming solution enables operations to securely deliver critical operating information to branch/satellite facilities, remote workers, and anywhere that large distributed organisations need. A new streaming solution is an ideal option for customers in the mission-critical space


This is an ideal option for customers in the mission-critical space (control rooms, command centers, NOCs, and SOCs) who need to share content displayed on their internal video walls with remote colleagues or other operation centers.

2) Ubiquity - Any screen, anywhere:  uClient for Android and WebOS

Userful is launching a Certified uClient adapter, a new endpoint for AV applications that adds ‘smart’ capabilities to any display, video wall or direct view LED wall within the enterprise ensuring full display ubiquity. 

The new Userful Certified uClient adapter extends the smart-display capabilities—natively supported in LG webOS and Samsung Tizen displays—to any type of display.  Userful’s Certified uClient adapter ensures IT teams are future-proofing their display investments with a solution that can deploy any application onto any display now or in the future.

3) Centralised management:  Platform monitoring 

The addition of AV applications to the IT stack poses certain challenges for IT teams in terms of network and system usage and health. In Q1 2021, Userful delivers brand new platform monitoring tools to evaluate the system and network performance for the Visual Networking Platform. 

This includes system diagnostics, alerts and analytics, and visualisations to help identify potential network or server resource constraints before they affect performance for the Enterprise. This gives IT managers the necessary tools to effectively manage their company’s visual transformation.

4) Corporate Signage:  Integrated CDN/Cloud Solution plus CMS Bundle 

With the launch of Userful’s uClient Adapter, Userful is adding an ‘out-of-the-box' corporate signage offering with flexible CMS integration. Userful’s uClient Adapter  is an ‘out-of-the-box' corporate signage offering with flexible CMS integration

By integrating CMS solutions into our Visual Networking Platform, Userful allows  IT teams to choose what works best for them from a variety of options to seamlessly integrate engaging corporate messaging including COVID-related return-to-work messaging to ensure a safe return to the office. 

5) LED solutions:  LED Media Commander 

Userful adds support for a broad range of LED needs.  Userful’s solutions are secure, manageable, and scalable to achieve the highest performance for any LED need, including genlock for perfect synchronisation across multiple LED controllers. 

The solution is software-defined running on industry-standard, non-proprietary hardware.  It includes enterprise management, security, and control features—such as role-based access control, cloud management, and remote access. In addition, Userful’s software-defined solution offers advanced media processing from any source on the network.  

Userful also offers these same advanced enterprise management security and control features to single controller LED walls to support the new wave of LED offerings that come with integrated controllers— including those from LG and Samsung—using software deployed on off-the-shelf hardware.

6) Unified communications:  Native zoom integration (BETA) 

In 2021, Userful is introducing a Zoom source for its Visual Networking Platform. For those organisations running very large multi-user sessions and Zoom Webinars, Userful supports the needs.

Unified communication is a key aspect of the digitally transformed enterprise, and the Zoom source will allow teams enterprise-wide to leverage any display within the Userful Visual Network to be used for video conferencing on a larger scale than ever before—whether on direct view LED walls, stand-alone displays, projectors or LCD video walls. 

7) Operations streaming:  Userful Virtuoso (BETA)  

In Q1 2021 Userful is launching the Beta of its new Virtuoso web app offering, an enterprise streaming solution that delivers operational information (data metrics, IoT sensor data, camera feeds, corporate video assets for sales and marketing, town halls) to any screen, anywhere, anytime delivering including mobile devices, desktop computers while allowing users to customise and personalise their experience to maximise productivity.

An open technology platform

Userful’s scalable, secure, manageable platform provides IT teams the power and flexibility to choose the end-point solutions that work best for them and seamlessly integrate all their visual applications and services for maximum engagement of employees and customers.

The platform provides superior engagement for new digital services, anything as a service. These new products for Q1 2021 and beyond extend Userful’s capabilities and establish Userful as the leading streaming platform for visual applications in the enterprise—from control rooms to corporate signage, unified communications, and more.