Mike Loukides, Vice President of Emerging Technology at O’Reilly, said “The UK government has published five principles to guide the use of artificial intelligence in the UK. What's notable about these principles is that they're addressing real problems and harms that are caused by AI now. In that respect, there's a sharp contrast between these principles and other calls for "moratoriums" and such."
He adds, "The UK is addressing real, concrete issues: fairness, security, accountability, and redress of harms, not fantasies about what might or might not happen if we somehow manage to build a hyperintelligent AI. This is an excellent start. And while there's been a lot of discussion, I've seen few signs that private industry is interested in these issues of responsible use."
Principles to guide the use of AI in the UK
Mike Loukides continues, "The bigger issues come when we start talking about enforcement. Is this a proposal for legislation? I haven't seen any industry that's good at self-regulation. However, unless British lawmakers are much more responsible and well-informed than lawmakers in the US, you need to be careful what you ask for because you might get it. I don't see much good coming out of regulation developed and passed by people who are ignorant of technology in general, let alone AI in particular."
He adds, "The UK has made a great start and is headed in the right direction. I hope that they can stay headed in the right direction.”