10 Apr 2018

NAS (network attached storage) is a computer appliance for storing and serving files. It attaches directly to a network, allowing the users on the network to access and share files from a central location. NAS NVR combines the advantages of NAS and NVR, providing a budget-saving solution that users can record and share videos in one device, suitable for small-medium projects, such as SMB.

Surveon NAS NVR further offers powerful data services, different storage architectures, variety of applications, and storage expansion options, increasing partners' productivity and profits. Surveon provides not only NAS NVR but also software and hardware NVRs, giving partners complete NVR solutions to fulfill most projects.

Native with Surveon NVR advantages of enterprise design, data protection, and high reliability, Surveon NAS NVR supports powerful data services, such as SSD cache, automated storage tiering, thin provisioning, etc. 

Surveon NAS NVR supports storage expansion via cloud, iSCSI, JBOD and NAS. Besides, its future-proof expansion solution offers ample data capacity of up to 428 drives.

An NAS built-in with diverse application services such as LDAP, Proxy, VPN, Syslog servers to assist partners to simplify IT environment deployment

Cloud storage

Surveon NAS NVR supports NVR functions and different storage architectures, such as NAS, SAN, DAS and cloud. Share files across multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

Besides, with Surveon’s unique technology and architecture, data can be directly written to block level storage, enabling better performance than other products that need to write first to the file level and then to the block level, resulting in too much overhead.

An NAS built-in with diverse application services such as LDAP, Proxy, VPN, Syslog servers to assist partners to simplify IT environment deployment. Surveon NAS NVR Solutions contain 2 models, 1U 4-bay GSe Pro 1004 Series and 2U 8-bay GSe Pro 3008 Series, which are ready to accept the orders.