24 Jun 2016
SDS' customised security programme allows companies to utilise part-time security managers

Strategic Design Services (SDS), an independent security consulting firm specialising in operational and physical security, has announced the launch of a new security service, the Virtual Security Manager programme that offers a cost-effective way to add additional security management staff without spending a fortune on employee salaries.  

Part-time security managers

This unique service allows small to medium size businesses the option to add needed security management that includes investigations, workplace violence training, security programme development & implementation, security risk assessment, electronic security system design, project management, and personnel oversight. SDS can develop a customised security programme that allows companies to utilise part-time security managers based on the internal needs of the organisation at any given time.

Saving salary costs

This cost-effective security service is helping organisations nationwide reduce their overhead costs by hiring security management personnel on an as needed basis. The Virtual Security Manager programme allows businesses to save money on employee benefits and salaries by eliminating the need to hire costly employees for a short term project or where only part-time help is required.

This cost-effective security service is helping organisations nationwide reduce their overhead costs by hiring security management personnel on an as needed basis

We have the alternative solution to traditional in-house security management and the Virtual Security Manager programme can offer a way to reduce overhead, and still have a dynamic security programme,” states Brian Gouin, Owner of SDS. “Many firms do not have a dedicated security manager on staff and instead utilise someone outside of security such as Facilities or HR to manage their security programme.  In many cases, the designated person does not have the expertise needed to comprehensively deal with all security matters at hand and can put the company at risk.”

Security expertise

A major benefit of implementing the Virtual Security Manager programme is that businesses gain access to needed security expertise without dealing with the long term cost and commitment of hiring full time security management.  Clients include a range of companies in multiple vertical markets that are looking to improve their security operations. “Brian and his team consist of highly talented, creative security professionals with an unmatched attention to detail and moral compass, states Ted Dumbauld, CEO of Curaleaf.  "Mr. Gouin is the chief security architect for what became a state-of-the-art, high security production facility without peer in our industry. SDS and I worked hand-in-hand for nearly a year in the operation of our facility.  SDS was instrumental in writing and executing a complete set of SOPs that allowed the facility to be operated efficiently and effectively. SDS is always my first call when I need advice or guidance on security related topics.”