27 Apr 2017

The Security Institute announced at their Annual General Meeting, held on Tuesday 25th April, that it has entered into a Group Membership arrangement with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).

Professional Membership status

The deal will enable all the senior members of their security team to become members of the Institute and obtain Professional Membership status.

Several members of the FCO security team are already Institute members and the new arrangement will enable about another 50 members of the team to join the Institute.

Latest security industry advancements

Roddy Drummond, FCO Head of Security Profession, said: "The FCO are delighted to enter into partnership with the Security Institute which will ensure our team of security professionals keep up to date with the latest industry advancements and have the opportunity for ongoing development."

Andrew Nicholls, Chief Executive of the Security Institute, said: "We are delighted to be able to make this announcement as it brings together several weeks of discussion and agreement and I very much look forward to working with the FCO in the future over CPD arrangements and achieving formal qualification for all members their Security Team.”