11 Mar 2022

The Security Executive Council’s (SEC) Security Leadership Research Institute (SLRI) is working with Resolver Inc. to investigate the organisational cost of loss due to incidents, such as theft, fraud and abuse.

While the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners tracks cost of loss for occupational fraud, there is currently no public research that offers an industry average of cost of loss that includes fraud and other types of events, such as armed robbery, assault, abuse, product contamination/tampering, and theft. The SLRI hopes to collect enough data to find this average, allowing practitioners to compare their own numbers against it.

Security practitioners to participate in SLRI survey

The Security Leadership Research Institute is seeking security practitioners to participate in a 10-minute survey

To this end, the Security Leadership Research Institute is seeking security practitioners to participate in a 10-minute survey, focusing on cost of loss and how they calculate loss avoidance. Data collected will be reported anonymously and only in aggregate. Participants will receive a copy of the results after the survey closes and analyses have been conducted.

This research is just one of the many initiatives the SLRI conducts to assess trends in corporate security. The Security Leadership Research Institute (SLRI) provides independent and actionable research to the security and risk community. The SLRI was formed because of the need by the security industry to document the entire spectrum of corporate security risk mitigation through research.

Conducts multiple forms of research, including benchmarks

The SLRI conducts many forms of research, including benchmarks, practitioner quick polls, state of the industry and trend reports, and custom research for individual companies and security leaders.

The Security Executive Council is the globally renowned research and advisory firm, focused on corporate security risk mitigation strategies and plans. They work with security leaders to transform security programmes into more capable and valued centres of excellence.