1 Oct 2021

DinoSol, a supermarket chain in Spain, needed to authenticate scale operators at meat, seafood, produce, and deli serving counters. Precision scales from Bizerba display the weight of selected goods and print receipts for checkout.

With more than 1,000 scales in use at 800 stores nationwide and thousands of potential operators, DinoSol wanted an easier way to match operators to transactions so they could track service behaviors and improve customer satisfaction. 


  • The reader needed to work with their existing MIFARE DESFire Ev1 and EV 2 8K employee ID cards and be easy to integrate with their precision scales for deli, meat, seafood and produce.
  • It needed to prevent unauthorised access to scales and link operator identities with individual sales transactions.
  • Transaction information was linked to an app where customers could record satisfaction ratings for the transaction.

RFID is more convenient, secure, and hygienic than their previous password/PIN system

An easier method for retail operator identification

RFID is more convenient, secure, and hygienic than their previous password/PIN system and reduces headaches for the IT department related to resetting lost or compromised passwords.

Now, operators simply wave their employee ID cards over the scale to start the transaction. Their name displays on the scale readout and is linked to the transaction information encoded in a QR code that is printed on the register receipt.


  • The ELATEC TWN4 MultiTech2 HF Desktop Reader supports their existing MIFARE DESFire card technologies and can be updated with other technologies, including NFC if their needs change.
  • The reader hooks up to the scale via USB for easy plug-and-play operation.
  • Employees simply wave their ID cards over the reader to start the transaction. Their name displays on the scale readout and is linked to the transaction information encoded in a QR code that is printed on the register receipt.


  • The ELATEC TWN4 MultiTech2 HF Desktop Reader supports secure, easy, and convenient authentication for employees, linking operators to transactions.
  • The evolutionID authentication solution connects the reader to a customer app, which allows customers to confirm who is preparing their order and rate their transaction.
  • Operator scores are used for training and employee recognition programs, driving improvements in customer satisfaction.

The evolutionID authentication solution connects reader data to an app to track customer satisfaction scores

An integrated solution for improved customer satisfaction

The ELATEC TWN4 MultiTech2 HF Desktop Reader was easy to integrate with their Bizerba precision scales and supports their existing employee card technologies (MIFARE DESFire Ev1 and EV 2 8K) while retaining flexibility for the future.

The evolutionID authentication solution connects reader data to an app to track customer satisfaction scores by transaction and operator. The company can use that information for internal training and employee recognition programs, enabling them to drive continual improvements in the customer experience.

Simple and secure TWN4 MultiTech 2 HF desktop reader

The TWN4 MultiTech 2 HF Desktop was the perfect match for their application. With an easy plug-and-play setup and a powerful API for custom configurations, it offers the perfect balance of simplicity and power.

The onboard SAM (Secure Access Module) provides increased security. The units are easily updated after installation via a contactless CONFIG card or remote upgrade. 13.56 MHz (HF) with integrated antenna. 18 kB onboard flash storage.

TWN4 MultiTech 2 HF

The single frequency RFID readers from the TWN4 MultiTech family are the successors to the TWN3 family.