1 Jun 2020

Sectigo, a globally renowned provider of automated digital identity management and web security solutions, has joined the Cloud Signature Consortium to help drive standards in the rapidly-growing document signing space.

Sectigo, the international commercial Certificate Authority, with expertise in automating document signing certificate issuance and renewal, will work closely with the Consortium to define and promote standards as the demand for electronic signatures continues to rise.

Expansion of digital signatures

According to the 2019 Digital Signatures Market-Growth, Trends and Forecast Report, the digital signatures market is expected to reach a value of US$ 6.93 billion by 2025 as the shift to digital reduces the risk of legal disputes and provides stronger supporting evidence.

With more organisations transitioning to distributed-operating environments, more businesses are offering electronic document signing to customers, vendors, partners, and employees. As a result, the market is evaluating viable solutions from many providers, giving rise to the need for industry standards for interoperability and uniform adoption.

Cloud Signature Consortium

“The Cloud Signature Consortium is making it easier for European Union businesses and governments to successfully comply with the rigorous requirements for secure signatures mandated by eIDAS and similar regulations,” explained Lindsay Kent, Vice President of Product Management, Sectigo.

Lindsay add, “As we begin to enter a new normal, the sector will see increased demand for digital signatures that offer the highest level of authentication and meet compliance standards. Our participation in the CSC enables Sectigo to play an active role in advancing industry standards, and speed widespread adoption of digital signing.

Trusted assurance of authentication

Sectigo document signing certificates provide trusted assurance of authentication for documents

Sectigo document signing certificates provide trusted assurance of authentication for electronically transmitted documents by validating the author and document while giving customers the confidence that the documents received have not been forged or tampered with.

Sectigo certificates comply with some of the world’s strictest electronic signature/digital signature regulations, such as U.S. FDA CFR 21 Part 11 requirements, and ensure the highest security requirements for regulated and sensitive documents.

Member of Adobe Approved Trust List

Sectigo is also a member of the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL), a program that allows millions of users worldwide to create digital signatures that are trusted whenever the signed document is opened in Adobe Acrobat or Reader software.

The Consortium vision is to promote a single digital market, across Europe and the globe. The ability to use a digital signature on any device, anytime, anywhere, is a basic requirement for today’s workforce,” said Andrea Valle, President of the Cloud Signature Consortium.

New standard for cloud-based digital signatures

Andrea adds, “Our group’s specifications will enable users to choose from a growing ecosystem of interoperable solutions from signing application providers and trust service providers, giving them more choice and flexibility than ever before.

The Cloud Signature Consortium is a group of industry and academic organisations committed to building a new standard for cloud-based digital signatures that will support web and mobile applications and comply with the most demanding electronic signature regulations in the world.

The Consortium seeks to provide a common technical specification that will make solutions interoperable and suitable for uniform adoption in the global market.