22 Mar 2017

“I want access control but my buildings are remote”: This is a question that SALTO Systems hears regularly, but there is a simple solution. Many companies want access control; be they commercial manufacturing concerns or university campuses spread over large sites; but they don’t want the disruption, inconvenience and sheer cost of a hard-wired system; nor do they need the instant reporting provided by a real-time wireless system.

XS4 SVN access control system

The answer is SALTO’s XS4 SVN data-on-card access control system. This is designed to work in a wire free environment so there is no need to hard-wire. It allows the user to control an entire building or group of buildings remotely and in almost real-time through the SALTO Virtual Network (SVN).

Data is captured from cards
at SVN online IP Access
points located at strategic points around the building

This advanced software system allows stand-alone electronic escutcheons to read, receive and write information via its operating smart cards or ‘intelligent’ keys. This data is captured from the cards at SVN online IP Access points located at strategic points around the building or group of buildings. The “updating points” upload and download user-related information that is then used to permit, control or deny access.

Electronic escutcheon data

Simply by employees using their RFID cards on the network, the user can distribute all the latest access information to the off-line standalone electronic escutcheon, including the data on deleted cards, while at the same time picking up electronic escutcheon data including opening events and battery status. SVN does this for every employee in the building or group of buildings and it can handle up to 4 million users and 64,000 doors in one system – so no matter how large the site, it can handle it.

It’s the perfect solution for remote buildings, as SVN ensures all the update points and locks are kept updated and secure. This provides the security or building manager with what they need most – total control.