10 Aug 2017

PSA announced a partnership with Matterhorn Consulting to enable PSA members to hire their next generation talent from military veterans who have served our country. As part of PSA’s Business Solutions program, Matterhorn Consulting has provided PSA with experienced consulting, thought leadership and training content for the last 14 years.

Military veteran employment opportunities

The Veteran Hiring Program, SalesMarines, is a new service from Matterhorn Consulting that helps veterans from the United States military find employment, matching up employers’ needs with veterans’ skill sets. The team is led by Paul Boucherle, a Marine Corps veteran who served during the Vietnam War. His first-hand experience with the military has motivated him to help veterans transition their military skills into the civilian workplace.

“Implementing a Veteran Hiring Program (VHP) can be very challenging for many PSA owners and we wanted to demystify and simplify the risk and process, said Paul Boucherle CPP CSC and founder of Matterhorn Consulting. “We are leveraging our 39 years of security industry experience and 6 years of military service (USMC) to help veterans and infuse integrators with strong, disciplined, and well-trained talent.

Training and education

SalesMarines dives deep into a veteran’s skill set to not just identify what they already qualify for, but the program also identifies and supports training and education to challenge the veterans to achieve their employment goals. The team also works closely with employers to establish productive relationships with the veterans that would fit within the company culture. They offer support to the employer on the specialised hiring process and benefits that are associated with this classification of employment.

“Employing our United States veterans is a fundamental way to give back to those who have fought for our country. said Bill Bozeman, president and CEO of PSA. “Paul and his team have demonstrated the devotion to helping veterans make the switch into civilian life and PSA is honoured to provide this partnership to our integrators, opening the job pool up for these brave individuals.

The PSA Business Solutions program is a suite of value-added resources and services to help enhance integrators’ business models, reduce operating costs, and keep them competitive in the marketplace.