12 Sep 2022

RightCrowd, a global provider of safety, security, and compliance solutions that manage the access and presence of people, is debuting a host of new visitor management-focused features and capabilities for its Presence Control solution here at GSX 2022.

Presence Control solution

RightCrowd Presence Control reinforces physical access control using unique security wearables that enable human and automated validation of security permissions and safety requirements for everyone present.

New Presence Control features, including Host/Visitor Tethering and Presence Reporting, are being demonstrated alongside RightCrowd’s suite of intelligent workplace access solutions in GSX 2022 booth 4048.  

Physical access control

Leveraging existing access badges enables both human and automated validation of security permissions

An innovative and patent-awarded security wearables solution, RightCrowd Presence Control reinforces physical access control by providing employees, contractors and visitors with a digital physical identity linked to an active security credential.

Leveraging existing access badges enables both human and automated validation of security permissions, safety requirements and compliance mandates for everyone present.

Visitor access policy

Most organisations have a visitor access policy that mandates that visitors stay with their host at all times, but such a policy can be very hard to enforce in practice,” said Brian McIlravey, RightCrowd COO.

How do you know that visitors are remaining with their host at all times? RightCrowd Presence Control launches the first solution that makes it easy to ensure compliance to these regulations.”


New RightCrowd Presence Control features available for demonstration at GSX 2022 include:

  • Host/Visitor Tethering continuously monitors whether each visitor stays in the proximity of their host. If a visitor wanders off, their wearable will give a visual and/or audible signal, the host will receive a notification, and a security event will be logged for audit purposes. At the start of the visit, the host can tether visitors using the RightCrowd App on their smartphone.
  • Presence Reporting not only makes authorised presence visible but also provides real-time presence data to manage the capacity/occupancy of your facilities. Users will know who was present and where by area and optionally feed data into occupancy or building management systems.

Additional features 

Additional RightCrowd Presence Control features for visitor management include:

  • Restricted Area Monitoring - Using RightCrowd Gateways, a security event will be created as soon as a visitor is seen in such a restricted area, allowing a security guard or authorised personnel to escort the visitor away from that area.
  • Visitor Time Management - If a visitor is scheduled to be on-site for a predetermined amount of time, the wearable emits a visual and/or audible signal that indicates the end of the visit time.
  • Social Distancing and Contact Tracing - When the wearable detects a colleague within approximately 6 feet of another colleague, it prompts the users with an alert to establish a safe distance. If a team member or visitor is identified as having tested positive for COVID-19, RightCrowd quickly delivers 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-degree exposure reporting. The system’s privacy settings can be configured to match legal requirements and provide complete anonymity while effectively managing operational risks.