20 Mar 2017

Regent Power will be showcasing their Smart City Streetlight that features an integrated camera, Wi-Fi, and gunshot localisation system called ShotPoint, developed by intelligent sensing technology provider, Databuoy Corporation.

The demonstration will occur at 3940 Industrial Drive, St. Ann, Missouri. This demonstration will be hosted by the St. Ann Police Department and will be on their grounds.

ShotPoint acoustic sensor network

ShotPoint is an acoustic sensor network that incorporates strategically placed nodes located indoors or outdoors. The system will automatically identify and locate the source of gunfire and, when integrated with video systems, it will cue cameras to the exact time and location of a shot. ShotPoint immediately communicates the gunshot data in a variety of formats, such as a simple message, or referenced to maps and floor plans.

This incident-specific data is transmitted to onsite security personnel or local first responders in seconds. Proactive and precise action can then be taken to save lives in a shooting event. The data generated by ShotPoint also allows responders to secure an often-chaotic incident scene for Emergency Medical Services to administer life-saving care.

According to Databuoy President, Kathleen Griggs, “ShotPoint is among the systems that will change the nature of institutional public safety and represents a class of embedded Internet of Things (IoT) devices that transmit event-driven notifications. Public safety applications will benefit by a connected network that rapidly responds to emergency notifications sensed by systems like ShotPoint. Responders need immediate situational awareness and this is what ShotPoint delivers—it connects responders to the real data that they need when they need it.”

“Citizens, businesses and emergency services all benefit together”

Smart City Streetlight infrastructure

“Databuoy, used in conjunction with an integrated Smart City Streetlight infrastructure, brings the ultimate safety, illumination, and communication to cities and municipalities, especially in high-risk and security sensitive areas,” says Laura Jones, CEO of Regent Power. “Citizens, businesses and emergency services all benefit together. We are delighted to showcase this integrated system to our city officials.”

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has granted Safety Act Designation Protections for Databuoy’s ShotPoint shooter localisation system.

Databuoy began in 2006 as a defence contractor focused on embedded systems command and control technologies and has recently realigned to focus on public safety in the private sector.