3 Apr 2020

Almost all cities have a smart city agenda. Their priorities will differ according to the unique challenges they face, but they all have the same goals: to create ways to use data and resources more efficiently and make cities more livable.

Axis is innovating for a smarter, safer world. The company plays a vital role in the transition to smarter cities by providing scalable and innovative Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for public safety, urban mobility, and environmental monitoring.

There are eight key reasons why Axis is the perfect solution provider to the smart city:

1. Visionary inventions

The company is not a new kid on the block; it defined the category. When it invented the first network camera way back in 1996, it was demonstrating Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities two decades before IoT became a thing.

The base of their products is open industry standards so that one can integrate them into the network simply and swiftly. One can collaborate, reduce costs, scale up or down, and connect devices, data, and people.

Network infrastructure 

One can collaborate, reduce costs, scale up or down, and connect devices, data, and people

Gain critical insights into city operations - from public safety, traffic management, street-level lighting, environmental sensors, and more - by combining Axis’s expertise in network solutions with video, audio, access control, and sensors.

With knowledge, experience, and an extensive network of partners, the company helps build the robust network and communication infrastructure that is needed to create an efficient smart city.

2. Quality in everything 

Creating a smart city is a long-term vision, so one wants something that’s built to last. Axis products are manufactured with outstanding durability, functionality, and safety, thoroughly tested, and ready to perform in any environment.

From the freezing cold of Moscow to the tropical heat of São Paulo, from snowstorm to sandstorm, Axis products are trusted by municipalities worldwide.

Authorities need a high-quality video that will if needed, stand up in the courtroom; that can identify a licence plate moving at speed in poor visibility, or accurately monitor rising river levels during a storm. Whatever the challenge, Axis helps to meet it head-on.

3. The power of partnerships

A smart city relies on connected devices, data, and experts to improve efficiency. Integration, cooperation, and partnerships are critical to making this happen. A

Axis has always been committed to a partnership approach, working with a vast number of hardware and software solution providers across the globe, each bringing its own knowledge and expertise to the open platform and benefitting cities through increased public safety, urban mobility, and environmental monitoring.

AXIS Camera Application Platform

ACAP allows members to develop applications that can be downloaded and installed on the Axis network 

The open application platform, the AXIS Camera Application Platform (ACAP), allows members of the Axis Application Development Partner (ADP) program to develop applications that can be downloaded and installed on Axis network cameras and video encoders.

It’s incentives like this and their partner training program that helps us to deliver solutions that are primed to meet fast-evolving smart city needs around the world.

4. Global presence, local support

Axis has the largest installed base of network video products and staff in more than 50 countries. This global perspective and involvement with smart city projects across the globe mean it is the best-equipped solutions provider to give expert advice and share knowledge and best practice to authorities looking to evolve their own smart city strategies.

Creating a smart city is a team effort, and whatever the specific challenges, the company has the pedigree and experience to connect one to the right people with the most relevant competence through a growing eco-system of cities and partners.

5. Innovative technology

Axis constantly looks to build more intelligence into its solutions, combining the best of technology and human imagination to improve performance and enhance benefits. The combination of network cameras, IoT sensors, and intelligent analytics is delivering as much positive impact in smart cities and almost any other sector.

It builds the technology on open standards, so it's flexible, scalable, and straightforward to integrate. Whether one is looking for cameras, audio, radar, access control, or vital accessories to the network, Axis has the imagination to help succeed.

Efficiency and scalability

By running the analytics application at the edge of the Axis product, one can improve system efficiency and scalability. This reduces storage and network consumption and lowers system costs and complexity. One doesn’t need any separate servers for processing the video, can fully leverage the processing power of the camera.

Another example, Zipstream technology saves bandwidth and space without sacrificing the quality of data. The technology lowers the cost of ownership of smart city solutions while delivering unparalleled performance.

6. Sustainability at every level

Sustainability is a core tenet of the smart city agenda worldwide – and a central pillar of any measurement of a city’s livability - as metropolitan authorities set out their green goals and citizens are increasingly vocal and involved in demanding action in environmental impact.

Axis has a long tradition of sustainability – including having signed the UN Global Compact - and as it continually drives towards improved sustainability throughout the operations 80% of Axis cameras and encoders are PVC-free.

When partnered with Axis, one partner with a company that shares an environmental vision. More detail can be found in their most recent Sustainability Report.

7. Driving cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a major concern for both city authorities and citizens, and effective cybersecurity is a continuous job of assessing risks, consequences and taking appropriate steps.

Effective cybersecurity is a continuous job of assessing risks, consequences and taking appropriate steps

A combination of products, people, technology, and ongoing processes ensures secure smart city surveillance networks, and also that data captured over those networks is both safe and treated in accordance with evolving data protection legislation around the world.

Compliance to mitigate risks

Axis is an expert in assessing risk and building processes for data protection into every level of our smart city offering, always ensuring compliance with current and future legislation and working with customers to mitigate risks and provide up-to-date insight into threats.

The company has strict requirements for its own products - allowing for remote and instant software in response to any new risks - and we work closely with partners to fight the constantly evolving cybersecurity threat.

8. Remote monitoring and maintenance

The nature of smart city surveillance means that networks are spread over a wide area, making manual management and maintenance a resource-intensive challenge. Axis products and solutions are designed for remote monitoring, management, and maintenance, allowing authorities to have a constant view over the entire network and remedy any issues quickly and efficiently.

Ultimately, the value of a smart city surveillance network comes through the constant, uninterrupted, and safe flow of data.

Develop your smart city with Axis

Axis’s innovative technology and extensive partner network help one face complex urban challenges, such as public safety, urban mobility, and environmental monitoring, and create a smarter, more livable city.