17 Aug 2022

ProdataKey (PDK), manufacturer of the cloud access control platform built for mobile, and Data Display Systems (Data Display), creator of cutting-edge business solutions that fuse technology with market intelligence, announces an integration that will enhance the functionality of Data Display’s LobbyTECH Entry Compliance System.

LobbyTECH is a comprehensive hardware, software, and back-end system that simplifies and centralises control of reception desk services, visitor management and badge printing, health and vaccine monitoring and compliance, in-facility monitoring and tracking, emergency notifications, and – thanks to its partnership with PDK – sophisticated access control.

Visitor registration services

For properties that rely on LobbyTECH for entry compliance, the integration enhances the ability of administrators to remotely control and monitor the security and location of employees and visitors within their facility, challenges that have become more complicated due to today’s hybrid work model. At the same, time, employees and visitors enjoy a more streamlined, friction-free experience entering and moving about the building, with PDK software making the allow/deny decision at each reader-controlled access point.

LobbyTECH kiosks, located at the entry of buildings, provide a range of automated screening and visitor registration services. Once a visitor’s identity has been verified and they have met screening criteria, such as a temperature check or providing vaccination status, a badge is printed and their host employee is notified. For added convenience, invited guests can preregister for their visit via a web portal prior to their visit.

Traditional card readers

LobbyTECH supports traditional card readers, mobile credentials, and facial recognition

Temporary credentials allow them to enter the building and access pre-specified doors based upon the purpose of their visit. Screening and registration occur through the LobbyTech platform, while credentials and allow/deny status is issued seamlessly by PDK. Synchronisation between PDK, LobbyTECH, and Active Directory ensures employee information is consistent between platforms and always up to date.

LobbyTECH supports traditional card readers, mobile credentials, and facial recognition, any of which can be controlled via PDK’s software. Data from PDK feeds into the LobbyTECH dashboard, which allows system administrators to search or sort through a list of people who have entered the building. In emergencies, LobbyTECH can send out alerts to everyone inside, including employees and their guests, and facilitate the check-out process at mustering locations.

Short learning curve

ProdataKey is thrilled to bring its best-in-class access control to Data Display’s leading entry compliance solution, LobbyTECH. Data Display’s market strength in residential and assisted living facilities, manufacturing, and professional services closely aligns with PDK’s customer base, opening huge opportunity to promote the integrated solution to a broad and receptive clientele,” said Brach Bengtzen, PDK Director of Marketing. “Our dealers will be thrilled to offer this unique and valuable product.”

We’re very excited to partner with ProdataKey,” said Bob Gatta, Chief Executive Officer of Data Display Systems. “LobbyTECH end-users are thrilled with the robust feature set and performance achieved with PDK’s software. They are equally impressed with the intuitively designed interface and easy-to-use customisation platform. This makes for an incredibly short learning curve and a smooth user experience. The seamless integration between LobbyTECH and ProdataKey means the end-user only needs to use one platform to benefit from the combined features and capabilities.”